Paying off your car will not lower your credit rating, nor will you see any penalties for doing so. Taking a good chunk out of your car payment can lessen the interest you will pay for the remainder of the note.
What is your highest interest rate for your debts? Credit cards, car, school loans?
Financial planning in your 20's will benefit you greater in the future. Or you can just save that cash and build cash reserve. If you are serious about not having any debt besides your car, start building that first $10k in savings. It is boring and responsible, but if you hit hard times it is a real lifesaver. And these days it seems to be more of a reality than an abnormality.
What is your highest interest rate for your debts? Credit cards, car, school loans?
Financial planning in your 20's will benefit you greater in the future. Or you can just save that cash and build cash reserve. If you are serious about not having any debt besides your car, start building that first $10k in savings. It is boring and responsible, but if you hit hard times it is a real lifesaver. And these days it seems to be more of a reality than an abnormality.