Whats your vanity plate say?


Pascifist Patriot
thought you were clever with your vanity plate? whats it say?

doesn't have to be strictly subaru.

Ill start, the plates on my leggy read BLMPKN (blumpkin)

Im half suprised the state approved it, and I havnt gotten a letter saying they must be turned in

I knew someone who had BUKAKE, but they got a letter saying the plates must be turned in haha

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now, here's the street car. plate originated on the LDR RS rally car (doh!) and has suffered several battles with snowbanks and bushes.

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Not really anything spectacular, but it has been my family nickname since I was a weeee little tyke. (Real name is Craig. Most people called me Craigy, but some couldn't pronounce it, so it became Freggy. It stuck ever since).



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