When are you putting on your snow tires?

So they are talking sleet and freezing rain overnight tonight... I sure as hell hope my balding all-seasons get me to and from work safely tomorrow.

And I decided to start building a 2nd WRX in the basement with all my extra parts!

Haha. Busted out in laughter in class. Sorry teach. Looking at my Subie forum

And thanks for the input guys. Snows it is

I figuring the generals will do just fine in their battle with the snow this winter and will win

blizzaks mounted on steelies for the g/f

been too lazy to throw them on the car

Maybe the night before the next storm

Finally told my mechanic to order me some 235/45R17 General Altimax Arctic, studded snows to go on my OEM wheels. Wanting two sets of wheels for the year, I was really torn about whether to buy seperate winter wheels and use the OEM ones as my summers, or to find wider wheels that could handle some 265s. I think this is the cheapest way right now but it will be about a $2000 hit whenever I make the upgrade 0_0

Finally told my mechanic to order me some 235/45R17 General Altimax Arctic, studded snows to go on my OEM wheels. Wanting two sets of wheels for the year, I was really torn about whether to buy seperate winter wheels and use the OEM ones as my summers, or to find wider wheels that could handle some 265s. I think this is the cheapest way right now but it will be about a $2000 hit whenever I make the upgrade 0_0

How much are the generals I have a set of graspics in that size I could sell you that are like new

I figuring the generals will do just fine in their battle with the snow this winter and will win

My experience with grabbers were generally positive. Great deep snow grip which allows you to plow through everything. Plowed road were also good, but it'd get slippery if it was really packed down. Ice is dicey, but you can stud them if you're really worried.

We had Grabber AT2s on one of the FDR recce rigs, and they just plain sucked in snow, esp if that snow was wet or slushy. Slidey on ice, not enough siping. Not great on cold pavement, either, tread compund nowhere near soft enough for best work in the cold.

Braving it with three-seasons on the legacy since I work in town 5 minutes from work. And this is coming from the guy who says "shut the front door! and buy tires noob".

My snows are on the RS, I'll probably throw dead rollers on it and steal the snows if it gets bad this winter. Not too worried about it since the DSW's are one of the better three seasons around.


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