Wicked Big Meet '09 !!!


New member
This event was AMAZING!!! (except for the weather, even though it could have been a lot worse). Compared to WBM '07, this year brought many many more vendors, more excitement, and just overall a lot more to soak in and look at. I remember in 07 there wern't many vendors, nothing real special to show, and this year just blew it out of the water big time. The door/raffle prizes were also much better this year, and were also lots more to choose from. Our one and only Gabe actually won a nice STi filter set (oil filer, air filter), which I wanted really bad !!!
Congrats Gabe
. The highlight for me was definitely being able to SIT in Ken Block's 09 STI Gymkhana car! They weren't letting people sit in his car, but we asked nicely and they let us!
Ken Block unfortunately couldn't make it. They also had Block's and Pastrana's rally cars over in the RallyUSA section. Absolutely jaw dropping stuff. They were giving out lots of good freebies, posters, Subaru bags, tons of stickers, key chains, drinks. There were definitely a hell of a lot more people and Subys there this year compared to 07. On our way down, we met up with a huge Boston caravan and drove down with them. The only gripe I have about the event was the whole Premium ticket / t-shirt issue. Basically, a lot of premium ticket owners (myself) didn't get the right size t-shirt that they PREORDERED
lots of people pissed about this. I will not be buying a premium ticket again!

Overall, OUTSTANDING event. There's just too much to type out! I just want to say SORRY to Scott and Gabe for sort of ditching you guys out of the caravan. I was afraid that was going to happen
. I'm still SHOCKED over the lack of interest on MS to go to WBM! You guys NEED to go next year.

I will have pictures up shortly...

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I'll have more pictures up tomorrow from my girlfriend and brother's camera... here's what I have for now.











WHAT was that widebody WRB GC??!!

mmmm, yummy stuff. (tho the day-glo yello and green underhood in Block gymkana car looked kinda silly)

yah those colors are WILD.

but with a sponsor like monster energy drink (those are the companies colors) i guess you have to represent somehow. and what better way then with some under the hood bits.... (and huge decals on the side)

WHAT was that widebody WRB GC??!!
mmmm, yummy stuff. (tho the day-glo yello and green underhood in Block gymkana car looked kinda silly)
I believe it was a 22B... not exactly sure though. We didn't know whos car is was or who to ask.

Does anyone know who drives the silver WRX with SCUBARU plates? I see it in the parking lot at work once in a while, think he works at Quirk Jeep/Mercedes.

OK, some after the fact detective work about the widebody GC...any witnesses able to answer a couple questioons?

22B would be RHD only, was the WBM car steering wheel on JDM side?

if LHD, it was a clone, so who is the guilty party?

clone or not, who really cares, that is indeed one of the sexiest Subies evAr, but still inquiring minds want to know!

From what I've seen posted elsewhere the widebody belongs to Rallispec. It's a Prodrive built car sans wiring, engine, trans, etc
