Wicked Big Meet '12 - Sunday June 10th *UPDATED 6/1*

Gabe and I believe Eric did last year. Mike, Dave, Dylan, and I parked up in the show, but didn't pay

I'll be in the show again. I know I won't win, but I get to park next to some freakin awsome Subies!!!

Yes on the canopy for me. Boonie cap for the head. A cooler full of drinks for the hydration.

We are going down the day before to chill, eat and sleep. Need to be there early so I can "cut" in line again LOL

I don't know if I have anything planned that day. I've been busy almost every weekend for at least a month and I hope that this day is free, cuz I sure could use a day off....

I will be there. Maning a NER and NEFR booth. You better come by and see me. Shouldn't be able to miss me I will have the dirtiest sti there.
