I will not be able to attend the caravan. To save me time and money, I am going to be visiting Bren Tuning the morning of Wicked Big Meet for my road tune. This is going to save me an entire trip down to Mass. I will still be attending WBM, but it will be after I visit Bren, probably in the afternoon. I will be driving down super early so I can get the tune done, and still spend the majority of the day at WBM. Unfortunately Bren couldn't take me after the event, which would have worked great since I could still caravan down.
This does NOT mean the caravan is off! You should all still meet at the same place, at the same time. Some of you have done this before, so I'm sure everything will work out fine. You guys will definitely meet up with other caravans along the way, which is always fun.
Sorry guys
Didn't want to miss out, but gotta do what I gotta do! I hope to see you all there!
Yes I'll still do the caravan, most of us have a GPS so we can get there no prob. Going back to ME together may be mixed cause some of us wanna go and some stay longer.