Wicked Big Meet 2015


New member
June 7th, 2015


Wicked Big Meet


Stafford Motor Speedway


Stafford Springs, Connecticut



Mark your calendars and get your cars ready!


I would love to get a group drive together!


Whether the group drive will be the night before,

or the morning of, I have no idea yet.


Let me know what you guys would rather do,

and I'm sure we can figure something out!

Wasn't so great last year, not many showed up for the drive, group got all split up and WBM itself while 2014 was better than 2013, it still has a long way to go to get back to where it was when it was at wachusett.

I guess I might go, not really excited about it.

We had some planning complications last year for the drive, and I do apologize. I'll be sure things work out better if we can get a group together

I am 100% down with this. Every year i plan on going and every year a huge project comes up at work. This year i requested the time off as soon as the date was announced. 

i know theres 7 or 8 of us all going down the night before, and from my experience last year the pre-meet was actually as good if not better than the actual event. If anyone is interested in convoying down with us let me know! and i think if we get the conversation started early we can maybe get a group that wants to go down the night before and a group in the morning. just some ideas. love your enthusiasm Sam, you're gonna love it (:

i know theres 7 or 8 of us all going down the night before, and from my experience last year the pre-meet was actually as good if not better than the actual event. If anyone is interested in convoying down with us let me know! and i think if we get the conversation started early we can maybe get a group that wants to go down the night before and a group in the morning. just some ideas. love your enthusiasm Sam, you're gonna love it (:
I'm definitely interested in the sounds of the pre-meet and might consider going down the night before. it depends on if we have a good size group heading down in the morning or not. 

I didn't go in 2013 because I slept in, and didn't want to drive my RS all day. In 2014, I was deployed.

This year, as long as I'm in Maine on this day, I will be driving my 94 LSTi down. It's waaay too much fun driving down with everyone, having people always somehow get lost. Always a sun-burned good time.

I'm sure I will be going again, last year was a good time. Its a long day but hopefully its a little better this year

Sounds super interesting, but it's way to soon to tell what my schedule will be at the time of this. A group drive down there would be wicked and I'd be down for it if I'm free.

I'd love to be a deffinate for this but gone a baby coming in March. If the wife don't go I'll try to hammer the SHoutback down for the day. Hot and lots of driving but lots to see for Subys

it will depend on the weather for me. if its gonna be so hot again then im not going to even bother. sitting in the shade and not being able to wander around without sweating to death isn't fun.

I'll be going again this year unless something changes. I might choose to drive down the day before. Last year was a pretty long day for me.

From the WBM facebook page:
Rooms are still available at the La Quinta Inn Hartford Bradley Airport for Wicked Big Meet!
Phone: (860) 623-3336
Rate code: Wicked Big Meet 
Rate: $89/room/night
You must CALL to get this rate.
I know its still a bit away, but should we start figuring out who is going down the night before/day of?
I am beyond stoked for a group drive down

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