Windows 8 hater thread


I absolutely despise windows 8. I originally went to college for computer science and have always been a huge nerd. I've been using computers since the internet was just a bunch of text on a screen. I've used every version of windows, built a few linux machines, and love mac, but I'm too cheap to buy one. Every person I know who has bought a new pc ends up with windows 8 and wants nothing more than to smash it with a hammer. It should honestly only be sold on touch screen devices. So now I have the pleasure of reformatting a million computers back to windows 7. Oh should be simple right? Just pop the disc in and hit any key to boot!? WRONG!!! Guess what ???!!! windows 8 uses a new file format and OH by the way you can't boot from the disc without disabling the new secure boot, and also make sure you delete the secure boot keys as well. Great now the disc boots! BUT WAIT! You can't install windows 7 because windows 8 uses a GSP file system vs the old NTFS system......and once all the drives are erased NOW yes NOW I promise you can install windows 7.......Wow that was horrible. Now I will drink myself to sleep

I've been using it since the beta came out last year. I can use it fine. But my question as always with Microsoft is WHHHHYYYYY?!! The public does not demand a new OS or GUI. Just when they realize they have created a stable OS "OH our profits are down, the people must want a new OS!!!" If it ain't broke don't fix it. Macs OS has changed VERY little over the years. And wouldn't you know they don't have a FRACTION of the issues Microsoft does. There is something to be said about simplicity, apparently MS missed that memo..... Windows 8...... the next windows Vista congrats MS lol

I agree that it would be nice for touch screen. I tried the beta for a couple months and decided that it was terrible and went back to Windows 7.

I used windows 8 to install our citrix client on a users laptop. Took me 20 minutes to find the add/remove programs utility. It's a usability nightmare.

Also, if you have to reformat millions of laptops for an enterprise network, look into windows deployment server. Saves so much time. If that wont work, just run DBAN before you reformat them.

Mom bought windows 8 to "upgrade", said it was really cheap, I tod her there's a reason for that:p

My housemate just got a new labtop with windows 8, hated it, and changed the format to what windows 7 looked like.  Took him a few minutes and it took away all the stupid things windows 8 did. 

I hate windows 8.

I think it's microsofts way of getting into the tablet/touchscreen market a little too late.

couple that with the fact that many apps will most likely need to be rewritten, it's a recipe for shenanigans.

it seems that every other operating system microsoft deploys is a failure and nightmare.

Windows 98 = Good

Windows ME = FAIL

Windows 2000/xp = good

Windows Vista = FAIL

Windows 7 = Good

Windows 8 = FAIL

So maybe their next one won't be so bad?

wishful thinking.

You're probably right Anthony. Windows 8 was an attempt to combine an app OS with the normal Windows OS. Like every 1st edition, it has it's problem. I've gotten use to Windows 8 now, but it wasn't easy at first.


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