woo woo woo sound

OK so I have had it looked at and... bearings are solid and so seems is my front end... ;D and :- cause now I dont know what to think. ANYONE?

I bet if you put the front tires on the back the woo Wooo will be gone.

Iz jess foh DAY-core-aye-shun... ya no wut I'm sayin? DAY-core-aye-shun!

We are missing the Main point of this thread... its that Woo woooo.

"its all fo dec-o-ration"

Thanks for replys... Cause we all knowz this noiz aint foh day cora tionz cauz itz be like woo wooin all the time. Anyway so I changed tires and still the same sound so I will check the rotors out after I take a trip today. I still think it may be a bearing. I did jack it up and try to wiggle 12-6 and 3-9 no free play either way. One techi told me it could be a dry bearing, because if it were I wouldn't find any free play.

and you're sure it's not the cops behind you? the faster you go, the more likely you are to hear a 'woo woo' behind you... do you see flashing blue lights along with the sound?? lol jk

actually the faster I go the softer the woo woo sounds is and the flashing blue lights seem to get smaller and smaller, guess they just can't keep up with a Non-turbo subaru. They should have gotten an STI instead of a mustang hahah

my poor little WRX took a Mustang GT off the line at a light. I guess the 300hp and 2wd isn't all it's cracked up to be! lol

HA HA! Me too! I ended up knowing the jackass! We pulled into a parking lot after and he's like "I usually smoke those scoobiedoo's. That goes good"

I'm like, "that sounds mean." Nicest thing I could think of to say to a guy I just beat!


No no no... "It's okay! You did pretty good for having only 4 more cylinders than I do!"

Thanks joel for the wheel bearing notice. When I get the $$ for it you'll be the first to know. Oh and do you guys install the "Whissssssel tip?" ^^^^^ O0

Nah, I think Maine Mall is the only one that installs that power mod. >

Naw, maaan. Itz AWL about decoration! DAY-CORE-RAY-SHUN! Know wut Ahm sayin'?
