WTB: 4.11 5speed.


Anyone have a 4.11 5speed for sale? For my 00 outback, but pretty much any 4.11 will work.

How much? I need to have it in my car tomorrow. So if not that, I'm just hitting the junkyard.

Well stupid things lead to the next, I didn't get to the junkyard today. i-wagon, what car is it? Did it shift fine? Or at least work... Mine just plain doesn't really work anymore.

Josh, how much are you looking to get?

It's in an outback, I never drove it. Previous owner was driving it until it threw a rod.if the Rear diff is any indication of how the Trans is, it looked good when I took it apart, don't think the guy drove it as hard as I drove mine

Bump. Still looking for a trans. Working 70 hours a week, so I don't have time to junkyard much. Kinda just wanna pick something up ready to roll. Looking for under like 150k miles.

Tell me what you have, price, miles, etc.


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