Ray The Northernah' Jun 2, 2013 #2 Looking for a catless downpipe, bov, sway bars, maybe strut tower bars, and anything cool you might have for my wagon. What ya got!?! Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2013
Looking for a catless downpipe, bov, sway bars, maybe strut tower bars, and anything cool you might have for my wagon. What ya got!?!
K kblood477 New member Jun 2, 2013 #3 ill sell you mine and ill go buy a new one dp that is Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2013
Ray The Northernah' Jun 2, 2013 #4 Im probably gunna buy a new one, just seeing if theres a good used one around first! come see the new wagon!!
Im probably gunna buy a new one, just seeing if theres a good used one around first! come see the new wagon!!
JNA Performance Vendor Jun 3, 2013 #5 Can give you a great deal on dp and KYB struts! PM us for sales pricing!
Jamey New member Jun 10, 2013 #12 I have struts with tein s techs on them. It's for 08-up. Not sure if it would fit yours
CheySpec207 New member Jun 14, 2013 #14 I got 2 turboxs bov's one rfl and not sure what the other one is but it can either be full atmospheric or full recirculating
I got 2 turboxs bov's one rfl and not sure what the other one is but it can either be full atmospheric or full recirculating
0 05RSKID Guest Jun 28, 2013 #17 I have a TCC Work BOV type lll for $75 obo and i have struts out of a 02 wagon but there not wrx
scoobiesforlife New member Jun 30, 2013 #18 ive got a full set of struts from an imp, rears are kyb gr-2's, fronts are oem but also made by kyb