wtb Rim Clamp tire changer machine

Are you looking for the style that grips the inside with the 4 extending arms, or more like a table top style?

Rim clamp:


Center post:


Center post you will have hard time doing speciality rims and big rims .. Too bad we just sold one old ones we had for 300 bucks ... Was snap on one too

We have 2 more we gettin rid off shortly ill let u know

If mikey can change rims and tires I will pee myself. I am sick and tired of overpaying sears to fudge it up and evergreen to fix it.

I've got 3 sets of gravel tires I need mounted before july....

i want a rim clamp like the top pic pedro posted. im looking to do this really soon, im tired of not being able to swap my own tires around, and ill do tires for others probably cheaper then other places. this will benefit everyone if i can find one!

I have used the harbor freight one at Team O's to change gravel tires.  If you need one immediately, I wouldn't hesitate to get that one as it is way cheaper than anything else new.

yeah they have new made in china ones on ebay for 1000 shipped which isn't bad. i really want the helper arm with piston to make changing low profile and runflats easier. the cheapest new machine ive found with the arm is about 1400 so im seeing if i can do any better then that before i buy.

If mikey can change rims and tires I will pee myself. I am sick and tired of overpaying sears to fudge it up and evergreen to fix it.

I could do them for you but you would have to get them to brewer lol

I've got 3 sets of gravel tires I need mounted before july....

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