wtf happened around here?

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Thank you Evan.

[flame suit on]

It's not the car, STiXXX... it's your attitude. Lose it and grow the e-fudge up.

Next time you introduce yourself on a board, you may want to be a LITTLE more humble.

You don't grab a beer out of a guys fridge unless you ask first.

Much like you don't come in and fire all canons just to make a mark.

You made your mark, and about 75% of us here got rubbed the wrong way.

Sorry pal, that's not "our problem". It's yours.

And who the fudge uses words like Endear and Myriad, yet doesn't insert a space between his comma and the next word??

Oh yeah, I forgot - someone with a "College Education but prefers to use his mind instead". <---- THE most cockiest term of 2008 yet.

You've said that we hate the built STI. Dude, I don't know how far your head is shoved up your ass, but I think you need a few people to help remove it.

We love cars - all types. I don't give two shits and a crap about what you drive or how much money you piss away modding it - all the more power to you.

What I do care about is the driver, his/her personality and who they are. You, sir, are a tool. Every time you make a post, it proves my point.

Of the 57 posts, there's only been 2-4 that are not centered around you talking yourself up and asking where the gun show is.


Sigh... it's all for not. All you'll do is read the above and think to yourself "WTF is up with this guy..."

Ever heard the term "If everyone else thinks your wrong... maybe you're not right?"

Well we're certainly not "everyone", but I'd ballpark the board at 75% agreement with the majority of what we feel about how you handle yourself.

Well, off to finish up my 70 hour work week and support a wife, child and household. Yet, I take the time to share this with you... :-*


I have an issue with a one part of your post:

"how much money you piss away modding it"

That can be applied to any purchase that someone else makes. Did you piss money away when you got that camera, started the vinyl business etc. etc

Did I piss money away when I bought that KLR? No matter the enjoyment one gets from something, there will always be someone who looks at that purchase as "pissing money away".

If someone wants to put a lot of money into their car, and that makes them happy, who are we to judge? It's the flaunting of the $$$ that is out of place, however. (not saying anyone did that, just making a statement)

Thank you Evan.

[flame suit on]

It's not the car, STiXXX... it's your attitude. Lose it and grow the e-fudge up.

Next time you introduce yourself on a board, you may want to be a LITTLE more humble.

You don't grab a beer out of a guys fridge unless you ask first.

Much like you don't come in and fire all canons just to make a mark.

You made your mark, and about 75% of us here got rubbed the wrong way.

Sorry pal, that's not "our problem". It's yours.

And who the fudge uses words like Endear and Myriad, yet doesn't insert a space between his comma and the next word??

Oh yeah, I forgot - someone with a "College Education but prefers to use his mind instead". <---- THE most cockiest term of 2008 yet.

You've said that we hate the built STI. Dude, I don't know how far your head is shoved up your ass, but I think you need a few people to help remove it.

We love cars - all types. I don't give two shits and a crap about what you drive or how much money you piss away modding it - all the more power to you.

What I do care about is the driver, his/her personality and who they are. You, sir, are a tool. Every time you make a post, it proves my point.

Of the 57 posts, there's only been 2-4 that are not centered around you talking yourself up and asking where the gun show is.


Sigh... it's all for not. All you'll do is read the above and think to yourself "WTF is up with this guy..."

Ever heard the term "If everyone else thinks your wrong... maybe you're not right?"

Well we're certainly not "everyone", but I'd ballpark the board at 75% agreement with the majority of what we feel about how you handle yourself.

Well, off to finish up my 70 hour work week and support a wife, child and household. Yet, I take the time to share this with you... :-*

Your comments "pissing away money modding cars" and "And who the fudge uses words like Endear and Myriad" (I can spell, there's a hint!) shows how you really feel, there's no real need for commentary.

I see you missed the "have a bran muffin" piece of advice, above.

(Like the space between the commas?)

All I have to say is I met Greg (STI XXX) he was nice, His car was really well built. He complimented my new Forester. We talked car. And he was really polite to me and my son who also liked his car. It is really put together nice.
It was great meeting you and your son, it's nice to meet true enthusiasts!

Does granola work for STM Forum regularity as well? What about a flax muffin?
Oh,I could have some fun with this question, but I'll pass for the moment.

Stay tuned, I'm sure this'll get funnier before it's over.

I popped in here,posted a list of 'mods,and a few pictures,and all hell breaks loose,as it seems that people are mystified that someone in Maine would actually spend money modifying a car with non-EBay parts.

And your hilarious term,"E-thugging"?

Funny,I've never caught any raisin at IWSTI or ClubWRX,and those BBS' are huge compared to STM.

I suppose if I'd come in with something a bit less fast,and no budget,it wouldn't have caused a ripple,but to have an STi,and a decent budget just rubs some folks the wrong way. That's filed under their problem,not mine.

When I see build sheets like what I've taken on (and achieved) since September, well,I'll be real impressed,but I haven't seen anything that compares,hereabouts, quite yet.
someone else that has done it right? well, i'd MUCH rather have had trevor723's gt30'd sti just before he parted it than yours as it stands, or bills cosworth gt35'd 07 sti. that thing was AMAZING, and a sleeper aside from the black tails.

you may want to check out this thread to bills car:

bill's a nice guy with a family, a nice house, a nice budget and a passion for cars. aside from a little miscommunication and a couple of posts from patsti in that thread, everyone was nice to him and offered advice and admiration. i'm almost positive that ALL of the few posts he made were threads about what he had just payed someone to modify on his car, and threads selling parts from his car. almost exactly like you. i'd be willing to make the blanket statement that nobody has beef will bill, but something you have done on the other hand has created the opposite effect.

(i have no particular affiliation with bill aside from meeting him once when i bought a part from him, but his involvement on the board is similar to stixxx's).

honestly, i think it was as sense of arrogance you brought that has itched most people the wrong way. stm'ers generally dont think of themselves as higher than any other member (unlike say, nasioc where you'll get flamed for talking back to a anyone with a lower member number than you). STM is STM, we're not IWSTI or Clubwrx, just because you can get accepted there doesn't mean you can bring the same attitude here, just as someone from OT on NASIOC would last about 3 minutes here before everyone on the board hated him.

i like STM for the fact that our top members (by stats) drive a pretty even ratio of GC's, WRX's and STI's (and even a forester! :-)). other well respected members drive anything from justy's to built sti's, early 90's legacys to 08 GT's, and everyone respects everyone else equally.

...and i'm aalllllmost positive stm didnt invent the word e-thuggin, but whatevs.....
I said nothing negative to him in that thread and have infact met bill on few times and loved his car. why dont you reread it. I was just saying to part it cause the price was high (most modded sti's dont sell) (and i knew that was fine to say cuz no one on stm was gonna buy it). If i hadnt just bought my car i would have grabbed that in a second.

Thank you Evan.

[flame suit on]

It's not the car, STiXXX... it's your attitude. Lose it and grow the e-fudge up.

Next time you introduce yourself on a board, you may want to be a LITTLE more humble.

You don't grab a beer out of a guys fridge unless you ask first.

Much like you don't come in and fire all canons just to make a mark.

You made your mark, and about 75% of us here got rubbed the wrong way.

Sorry pal, that's not "our problem". It's yours.

And who the fudge uses words like Endear and Myriad, yet doesn't insert a space between his comma and the next word??

Oh yeah, I forgot - someone with a "College Education but prefers to use his mind instead". <---- THE most cockiest term of 2008 yet.

You've said that we hate the built STI. Dude, I don't know how far your head is shoved up your ass, but I think you need a few people to help remove it.

We love cars - all types. I don't give two shits and a crap about what you drive or how much money you piss away modding it - all the more power to you.

What I do care about is the driver, his/her personality and who they are. You, sir, are a tool. Every time you make a post, it proves my point.

Of the 57 posts, there's only been 2-4 that are not centered around you talking yourself up and asking where the gun show is.


Sigh... it's all for not. All you'll do is read the above and think to yourself "WTF is up with this guy..."

Ever heard the term "If everyone else thinks your wrong... maybe you're not right?"

Well we're certainly not "everyone", but I'd ballpark the board at 75% agreement with the majority of what we feel about how you handle yourself.

Well, off to finish up my 70 hour work week and support a wife, child and household. Yet, I take the time to share this with you... :-*

I like the way he "speaks for the majority".

(Did you poll 75% of the membership? Given that there's about nine people a day that post there, you should have been done before supper last night, roflmao!)

If that's the case, redline, find a terms of use violation and have me banned, I spend more time here explaining myself than talking about cars. Ho, HUM.

Why is it that I don't hear this smack at IWSTi?

Oh, I know, because it's FULL of hi-$$ STi's and nobody gives a raisin about a simple $20K+ build.

Here, no such Crew, so I'm a minority, having a top of the line model, and (apparently) the flack that goes with it.

Whatever, time to go driving.

Btw, RedImpreza07's Forester is one of the nicest looking cars I saw this week,the paint is simply sublime, Subaru's really outdone themselves in that department,. The tan interior was super high-quality looking. In reality, for where I live, I should have bought one of those. The stealth factor while haulin' down the interstate=priceless.

Careful stixxx or you won't be able to fit that head in your sti. Redline is a well liked and respected member around here. He does speak for many, you could bet your ass on that one. I am sure you are normal guy in person, that's usually how it works with the internet. Nobody dislikes you because you are bringing hi-$$tuning to us hicks in maine, (thank you for that)
, your attitude on here is just annoying. There are plenty of members on here with built stis that get a lot of respect, they gave it to get it. Noone is really concerned with the amount of money you dump in your car, as long as you have fun with it, and its what you want that's fine. Just don't act like you are doing this entire board a favor by gracing us with your presence and your car, your not. And this thread wasn't started on your account, you definately make it to the top ten list of jackasses we have had yet, but this was a long time coming. Just be a car guy, and that will go a long way around here.

someone else that has done it right? well, i'd MUCH rather have had trevor723's gt30'd sti just before he parted it than yours as it stands, or bills cosworth gt35'd 07 sti. that thing was AMAZING, and a sleeper aside from the black tails.
SHHH Evan we do not speak of parting that car out. It makes the baby Jesus cry.

Pray, do tell,just how is it that my "attitude" is annoying?

Did you ever think, if I seemed annoyed, that it might be in response to something that was aimed at me?

Read my posts, see if you can read between the lines.

As to "plenty of members with built STIs" well, so far I can count STIs here on one hand, truth is, I was hoping for more.

That someone pissed in Redline's cornflakes this morning is no reason for him to toss that crap at me, the day someone who's never met me can judge me is the day I buy a Miata.

Oh,and the use of italics is common, usually to enunciate a point.

Simple enough, even for a guy like me that uses big words.

As to the "hicks in Maine" comment, well, I was born here, so I guess that makes me a "hick". Bettern' redneck any day of the week, imVho.

When people start taking "personal" shots on BBS systems, ("you use big words, you're an asshole, I hate you, wah wah wah!") it just means they ran out of legitimate ammo, same as any ten year old in a playground fight, and equally as pathetic.

A favor isn't "me being here", a favor is being able to borrow my car, there's a subtle difference, I think.

^^^^ more of the above (doh, beat me to the reply) I meant more of the panties in a buch pics and less of the other stuff. Mike way to start turning this thread around. This thread needs bewbies now >

Wow. This is gross. Not the pic of the bunched panties, the comments. I thinks STiXXX's first post was taken the wrong way by a few people. The car looks excellent he seems well informed.

Welcome. I hope to see that thing in person someday. And, don't take this personally, but, WAGONS RULE! hehehehe...I just brought mine back to stage2 and it feels so ALIVE!

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