WTF: RS still running like SH*T!?!


New member
So, for the people who haven't heard about this our RS hasn't been running well lately. Hesitating while accelerating, and jumping in power; like holds back then goes (kinda feels like boost, but in a bad way), and idling horribly. You notice the hesitation in low RPMs and jumping in higher.

Has had CEL Giving off a fuel trim malfunction and missfire in all 4. Cleared it once checked all the spark plug gabs (i had just done plugs and fuel filter), and replaced the fuel cap. Still ran bad and CEL came back. This time FTM and missfire in # 3.

Figured it was either MAP or O2 sensor. Took it to Pats, they said all the sensors are good, but the number 3 plug wire was bad. Since i was there i had them just replace that one if they thought it would fix it. I would have done all four but not at their price.

That cleared it up for about 30 minutes. I was almost home and it started hesitating and jumping again, then got home and idle was bad again. Called Shorty he hooked me up with 4 new plug wires, new coil, and got an air filter too just for fun.

Put those in tonight and low and behold still running like crap!?!

My next step is too try new spark plugs. Could that be it? Is there actually a bad sensor? What else can i do? We really want to auto-x this on sunday.

HELP!?! ???

The CEL is still on, but we don't really know why at this point.

We really want to be able to auto-x this Sunday though!! :'(

unplug the battery, flip on the lights or something to make sure theres no more juice, that will rest the ecu. try that first so the computer can relearn the engine. that should at least clear the codes out. then if you still having problems i can stop by tomarrow and we can try swaping parts off my car on to it, as much as they will swap. i'd let you guys race my car, but i don't think you could drive it heidi. not ability wise, the clutch is just so hard i think it would hurt your foot too much.

let me know if you guys need/want any help

Thanks Mike, but we have limited time tomorrow and my dad it already coming over at 8am to help Peter so he can be done to be able to be at my work by 11am. Then we have things to get done later.

We did unhook the battery, and it didn't help.

OBS has the same spark plugs. Peter is going to try those tomorrow am, and if those don't work he's going to pick-up some new ones on his way to my work, and try them when we get home. If that doesn't work...who knows what. Hopefully someone on here will be able to guide us.

If you pull the plugs, maybe you should try a compression test to see where its at. It may be going a bit out in left field for the symptoms you are having but it may be worth it. If nothing more you will at least know how each cylinder is holding up.

Stupid question, but have you checked your fuses lately?

What about your fuel pump? Clogged fuel filter?

The way you're describing it now it sounds just like an ignition misfire. Do the plugs. Dont do any fancy upgrade. Napa has the stock NGKs for cheap, or check with The Shorty. While you're doing the plugs dab some dielectric grease inside both ends of the boots and stick them back on the coil and plugs. If it still misfires spray soapy water right on the coil and listen and look for arcking. Maybe the coil has a crack.

Like I said before, the misfires are usually the result of the bad fuel trim, but maybe this time the bad fuel trim is the result of misfires. Wish I could look at the AF/O2 readings after the memory is cleared and the new plugs are in.

What year is your RS? Certain years had front o2 sensor issues that required re-flashing of the ECM and new o2 sensor(with a revised chip), but Patriot would have picked up on that, whether it needed that procedure or not. I cant remember what MY it was.

Are you putting any fuel additives in? Don't. N/A Imprezas hate that stuff. Pull the hose off your fuel filter and turn the key on and let some gas drain into a clear container. Does it have snot? Water? Look like gas? Smell like gas?

I don't think the CEL is on now since i unplugged the battery last night just to clear everything after replacing the wires and coil. When the CEL came back on after being at Pats i haven't had it read, but i assume it is the same issue since its got the same symptoms.

I'll take a look at the fuses this morning. But aren't they usually either good or bad, not this in between thing?

I just replaced the fuel filter. It might be a fuel pump or fuel tank issue as it still does the thing where it doesn't like to start after putting gas in. But i thought that was a completely different issue. Plus, that's been going on forever.

Napa has the stock NGKs for cheap, or check with The Shorty.

Maybe the coil has a crack.

Wish I could look at the AF/O2 readings after the memory is cleared and the new plugs are in.

What year is your RS? Certain years had front o2 sensor issues that required re-flashing of the ECM and new o2 sensor(with a revised chip), but Patriot would have picked up on that, whether it needed that procedure or not. I cant remember what MY it was.

Are you putting any fuel additives in? Don't. N/A Imprezas hate that stuff. Pull the hose off your fuel filter and turn the key on and let some gas drain into a clear container. Does it have snot? Water? Look like gas? Smell like gas?
I just did normal NGKs from napa a couple of months ago, but i am going to try again.

A brand new coil already cracked and making the car do the exact same thing?

Its a 2000, first year they went to or want back to the MAP. Patriot said if the CEL came back on they would look at it for free. If i don't get this resolved today i'm bring it there on monday!

No additives here. I did some injector clearer around the same time as the plugs and fuel filter. Could it be an injector problem? I'll check out the fuel today.

At this point there seams to be some many little things like injectors, fuses, fuel pump(not little but hard to diagnose) its just a headache.

All you that know more about cars than me are going to laugh and flame me, but here goes.

In the essence of time and wanting to race Sun. I suggest taking the exhaust off Peter's OB, put it on the RS. That would give you what I assume are 2 good oxygen sensors. I don't think it is too much of a project to swap the complete exhausts. Your symptoms sound like the way my car was before I replaced the front o2.

When I changed my sensor, I ended up dropping the whole exhaust because I couldn't get a wrench onto the sensor in a good manner, and get leverage to loosen it. Otherwise I would say just swap the o2 sensors.

Of course I sort of forget you guys are probably closer to parts stores that stock o2 sensors, and you could easily get a new one.

Of course, Inski a certified professional, doesn't seem to think it is a sensor. And I could be just talking out my @$$. Just trying to help. I'll shut up and go do something. Good Luck.

John has a point, but isn't the o2 sensor off a 2.2L different from the one off of a 2.5L or is this another lego project?

Oh, and Pete. You'd be suprised the wierd raisin that goes one with a blown engine fuse... try pulling your engine fuse from your RX7 sometime and see what happens... BTDT.. :

besides, the 2.2 exhaust is smaller dia. front to back. Also, the 2.2's are single port, the 2.5's are dual port.
