
Is there a Richard Head in the crowd.

oh that is me like U read about.....

although I am also a big fan of Richard Cheese... dont even think it!

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What more would you like? It was really a way to support our hosting fees and other things we need to pay up front for. What would you like us to give in return? We are always open to suggestions
default_additional_sillylol.gif can swear....

What more would you like? It was really a way to support our hosting fees and other things we need to pay up front for. What would you like us to give in return? We are always open to suggestions
default_additional_sillylol.gif can swear....
Oh I was just bustin everyones balls...just cause I can say balls in here... and fukkity fukk fukk fukk. Oh trust me I am well aware of hosting fee's.. I run a gaming server

my server is sitting on my desk at home. so my hosting is LOVING FREEEEE

(no, I'm not giving you any bandwidth

What more would you like? It was really a way to support our hosting fees and other things we need to pay up front for. What would you like us to give in return? We are always open to suggestions
default_additional_sillylol.gif can swear....
My original suggestion when I gave the idea for The Suggestion Box was " WHEN ARE WE GONA GET SOME FRIGIN CAPS". I am even willing to pay $20 if they are good quality.

Oh I was just bustin everyones balls...just cause I can say balls in here... and fukkity fukk fukk fukk. Oh trust me I am well aware of hosting fee's.. I run a gaming server
Hey just don`t pick on Carter. That`s my job.

know what would B kewl actually... the ability or option to actually communicate verbally in realtime.... Ther gaming group I am involved with runs a "teamspeak" server so we can talk in game or otherwise... As one of the primary owners of the gaming group I know I made friends I will have for a very long time.

Check this out....

If U do I am <HHD> Oscar ( I shortened it from Oscar Meyer like my signature says) for a variety of reasons..

If this seems interesting it is easy enuff to grant a few of U access to it to check it out: Just need speakers, a mic and the teamspeak program! With the number of IP's I have on our gaming box I am sure we could even host it, it barely uses any bandwidth..

It is a really fun way to chat, get to know people and talk in real time without typing. The only drawback I see is using a headset... I tend to turn my back on life and tune out everything but what is going in teamspeak..

yes sir Mr. Maniac... I will no longer play with UR food b4 U eat it!

ps: It is also a lot of fun to verbally torment someone in a friendly fashion right after U p'wn them and are Tbagging thier dead body in game...

it would be cool to have a chatbox or IRC channel or something so we could just chat in real time. But those ideas were already shot down for various reasons...

I think IRC was against their TOS, or something, so

But... IRC doesn't use that much bandwidth. Maybe I could host the MS IRC channel. I just setup a new(er) server, and all.

HOLY LOVING raisin. I'm so god-LOVING-damn sick of the LOVING rain. GAAAAAA LOVING A. I want sun god damn it...
