The unofficial GUN talk thread

If I were considering either of those from the guy in Dallas Plantation I'd get the Bushmaster. Either one would be decent but the Bush will retain more trade value. The only issue would be the fixed carry handle, yet there are ways to put optics on those if you wanted to in the future. It might be worth calling the guy and ask if he has anything with a removable carry handle or something with a flat top he can add a handle on. Also ask him about transfers and special order. Most places charge $20 for transfers, or he might be able to get you exactly what you want for the price you want. He might be trying to build his business and having more local guys on his side is the way to do it.

If he's not grumpy about doing transfers (he's not selling his inventory) then your world has opened up a lot for everything from Rock River to Smith &wesson Stag and Spike's ..everything. Most local guys will help you into what you want. Most local guys will give you good deals (price breaks) too unlike Cabelas where their prices are fixed

I just paid 340 for a.22 that looks like a 9mm. Took a pic of the sr22 and sr9c side by side but can't remember my imageshack login so I can't upload it. Break in commences tonight.
Good luck! Dont use any low velocity ammo. Yeah, semi-auto 22s need break in time just like any other semi-auto pistol, expect 2 or 3 failures at first.
Good luck! Dont use any low velocity ammo. Yeah, semi-auto 22s need break in time just like any other semi-auto pistol, expect 2 or 3 failures at first.
Got winchester 1300fps roundnoses then a few hundred or maybe a thousand federal bulk. Going to be a fun weekend

My dad keeps the mkii target at his place in case he wants it, carries it when taking the dogs out after dark. I wanted something different, cheap, and affordable to shoot. Got the newsletter from ruger and I've been contemplating it ever since. I'll try it out tomorrow and report back

Been in contact with a friend of mine that had built many ARs and currently owns several full autos legally. Looks like we might build one now. The jury is still out.

So for the price of a Windham Weaponry + tax he can build what sounds to me like a better gun. Ill quote what he told me.

"Gun is new, has a brand new spikes tactical zombie lower receiver with a centurion parts kit best there is, green mountain barrel best there is and made in conway N.H. 1:7 twist good for 55 to 75gr bullets, new a3 flat top upper with new removable carry handle, all new parts in the gun, has a tuned trigger,gas system, all the bolt and carrier upgrades. gun has been shot only to test it and sight it in 20rnds. m4 double heat shield hand guards, m4 stock, and milspec tube. balanced buffer w/tungsten and correct weight and balance for gas system, custom cut m4 feed ramps for hollow points."

He does work for Maine Tactical on the sid, and really seems to know his stuff. that's the one he just built, and I was going to buy but it sold yesterday afternoon. Anyone have any experience with those parts, or at least does it sound like a reasonable build?

Sounds like a run of the mill AR... He just used a lot of gabby wording to describe what all AR's get. That's not really the top of the line barrel. And all come with M4 feed ramps, blah blah blah. It's like saying I'm selling a car with 4 independently balanced wheels, and a custom tuned radio because I tuned up the bass adjustment. What's his price quote? That's the real kicker.

Same as a Windham + Tax, $900 . But this comes with 2 mags and sling, and the 1 in 7 twist instead of the 1 in 9. I'm going to go this route, I have a friend that this guy had built another for and if it was junk theres no way in hell the mutual friend would have bought it, he's extremely picky about this stuff. I know I could buy the parts cheaper and build it myself, but I don't have the tools or the space.

sr22 got a workout today. 500 rounds, only malfunction was 3 rounds that weren't full power, didn't blow the slide back far enough to pick up a fresh round. that and when inserting a fresh magazine with the action open, if you really slam it in it jars the action closed. don't think its supposed to do it, but it doesn't really bother me, just saves having to reach for the slide release. but the accuracy is really surprising for how tiny it is, and there's almost no recoil. my shooting session was a good way to blow off some steam after mall wart scratched teh ever living poop out of my summer wheels that had just been painted a couple months ago. so now I'm waiting for 36 degree paint to dry

My gsg5 is blast shoot we really need go out shoot , Dont feel bad idiots that mounted my new wheel scrapped side I wanted kill them luckily u can't really notice it


muddy, check out this guy. He's in Rangeley, no store but I emailed him and he said he'd sell stuff from home. He's a regular dealer on with good feedback. Check out his other auctions. a couple nice ARs for less. I think he also has a lower receiver from Rock RIver

I say build one if you have some one to help. Or buy complete upper and lower. I know you can be done for under 700 bucks with everything you want thru del-ton, not sure about the others

Matt next time you need something car related let me know. SOmetimes I can help. Sometimes not. Its easy me to help you because you're so close during the day and if you don't mind droppin s4it off I can get to it after hours

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Was just going to have you guys do it, they didn't even balance them right, they did static balance and I wanted whatever the wheels.are supposed to have, ill swing in monday if you guys are open and show you the new,piece

. that and when inserting a fresh magazine with the action open, if you really slam it in it jars the action closed. don't think its supposed to do it, but it doesn't really bother me, just saves having to reach for the slide release.
Try it with your SR9. Pretty much everything will do this once it gets broken in. it is quite common in match settings, saves a few tenths.

I meant to with the sr9c, doesn't bother me a bit, ike you said, saves time just never had anythin else do it to me

I finally got a pic of the FN police shotgun,next to its cousin,the Saiga 12,Saiga will be converted soon,the M4 Bushy took my conversion $$$!


Also,let me know if anybody is interested in a cornfield shooting spree after the Gardiner meet. Im only about 8 mins from there,and have a nice field down back.Only problem may be the mud,with the early spring we seem to be getting.


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