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You can blame all those wacky climate change people for wanting to keep cutting back on gas emissions. They even blame cow farts are harming our atmosphere. If they had their way they would tax us for farting.
There was a south park episode where if people held in their farts it would cause them to spontaneously combust and if they farted it caused global warming! It was so funny.

I gotta drive my car to work today then I have tomorrow off then I gotta work for the next week... Making money tho! Got over time this week, pretty pumped for that pay check. New car here I come!

I only worked 12 hours last week, took the rest in sick time. Turns out certain antibiotics hate my stomach. But I kept a couple hundred miles off my car

I put 500 miles on per week.  I tend to let the Subaru rest on the weekends as well.

On a side-note... woke up to my dog barking like crazy.  Couldn't figure it out until I opened up the drapes and found our steel crow-hook bird feeder hanger completely bent over (but still stuck in the ground).  A bear decided to visit this morning and stole all the bird feed.  I guess we'll be taking in our bird feeders at night now...  It's not uncommon for black bears to hang around this area.  We had a neighbor washing their dishes once in the kitchen, and they had one of those stick on bird feeders for the window.  As he looked up one time, there was a bear paw on the glass!  Talk about freaked out!  I didn't get to see this one, but it was definitely a bear.  Nothing else could have bent that steel hanger like this was.

I've had quite a few 100+ hour weeks when we get a big storm that knocks the power out. I could actually go for another storm like that anytime now.

I see Lucas is hiring lately.  I have no experience, but I've been tempted.  They say it is entry level, but you have to get certain certifications within a period of time, etc.  I see how much you guys get OT, and I'm jelly.. but I do realize it's hard work too.  

I see Lucas is hiring lately.  I have no experience, but I've been tempted.  They say it is entry level, but you have to get certain certifications within a period of time, etc.  I see how much you guys get OT, and I'm jelly.. but I do realize it's hard work too.  
Yeah it's a guaranteed 5 hours of OT every week. We are on call at all times though. At any time we could get called to come remove a tree from the power lines. It is definitely hard work for sure, and the entry level pay is crap. It's better in the bucket, but it's just demanding in a different way, and mistakes aren't something you want to make up near the lines either.

I have heard nothing good about Lucas. We have A LOT of guys that used to work there, and there's a reason they came to Asplundh. But I don't have personal experience with them. I do know they pay quite a bit less than Asplundh does, especially to start!

I don't think I'd be cut out for that line of work regardless.  With the back injury I sustained, I'd always be worrying about throwing my back out.  

I don't think I'd be cut out for that line of work regardless.  With the back injury I sustained, I'd always be worrying about throwing my back out.  
Yeah that happens fairly often. It's a lot of working in the ditch, hauling brush/trees to the chipper. That's pretty much what a groundman does. Then once you're experienced enough, you start running a chainsaw AND doing all that other stuff as well. It's demanding work for sure.


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