'04 Forester XT!!

okayyyyyyy..... shhhhhhhhhh.......

he is planning on painting it Pepto pink with 4 layers of clearcoat and purple-ish flecks of glitter. He feels it would balance out well with the red mudflaps for now.


that is soooo becoming the laptop background when I get home!!!! <3

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Lol, umm none of the above!!!! I don't want to say yet, but when it gets here I will tell.

Thanks Chris for not saying.

And Mainiac, I already have a bigger turbo, don't need anything bigger till much later on!!

hmmmm....i remember a certain thing for sale on nes not to long ago....would make a great addition to the xt if im correct!!!!!

How about we go for something not as pernament, just so you can try the pink out. I bring you pink masking tape



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So the person I sent money to for this certain thing has not contacted me since I sent the money. And There are a few other people that bought things from him that have not received there stuff. So now I'm getting nervous. Hopefully he comes around. If not, I will have to file a dispute with paypal and start over.

While it sucks the guy is dead in the water, the good news is, you used PayPal. PayPal has VERY GOOD buyer protection. I've had to file a dispute before when I didn't get something I bought on ebay, ended up getting my money back. While it may take a while, in the long run things work out okay for you.

that's what I'm counting on. And he sent me the invoice, and I paid it. I really hope he gets back on line and has a great excuse, and sends the stuff out, but I, along with like 4 other guys are a little nervous right now.


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