'04 Forester XT!!

remember what I said about the girl that drives my car...... ditto to this

Got my group N motor mounts, now I just have to get them in!!!!
Bring it over we can do it in my garage. Hopefully I can pick up a new tank of gas for my heater this week.

doing work in the winter with a heater and garage isn't nearly as bad as outside...

I also might hold off until I get something else that's coming in the mail. So I will let you know!! Thanks again for offering up the space!!

To do the motor mounts, you'll want to have the jack to jack up the motor and bump it around while you get them in place. We did it with a jack and on a lift and they were still a PITA. Not impossible, but definitely annoying.

I can even borrow a creeper. Laying on a cold garage floor is awful. I about froze my balls off last week....

So I got the "other things" in the mail, so when the temp warms up a bit, we will have to arrange a time to install a few things!!

Added a rear strut bar today, cheap mod. I have an Importology front lip on it's way. New 25mm rear sway bar bushings waiting to go in along with motor mounts and rear SS lines

I have a heatedish garage, and my GT moves now...

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Yeah I know!! I really should come over and get this stuff done, along with changing my oil, which I was going to do today and I realized I didn't have the filter I thought I did. But I will be picking one up tonight

Finally changed my oil. Picked up an oil filter last night and was good to go. I contemplated doing the motor mounts, but it would be nice to have another set of hands/eyes so I'll hold off until I can find time to go over to Chris' house

I'm gonna be gone from the 19th to the 25th, so either some time this week or the weekend of the 26th would work for me.


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