'04 Forester XT!!

Very nice! what year? i have always wanted the 05 WRX seats and now i have them in the new wagon! cant wait to actually sit behind the wheel in them haha

They are 04, but they are the same as the 05. The only downside is that they aren't heated. But it's nice to have them sit lower where I am so tall.

Finally replaced the rusty rear exhaust hanger today, got a great deal on a very clean one from someone parting out a Forester.

So a while back I added a set of hood struts, which are so much better, and thanks to mikeymeyagi, I got my timing belt done last weekend. Now I just gotta get my up-pipe leak fixed!!!

Getting my up-pipe leak fixed next weekend. And picking up a set of 4pot 2pot brakes today with the adapter for the rear. Looking forward to getting those on!!

Getting my up-pipe leak fixed next weekend. And picking up a set of 4pot 2pot brakes today with the adapter for the rear. Looking forward to getting those on!!
Awesome! I remember your brakes sorta died during the last road group drive. haha.

Mikeymeyagi fixed my flex pipe today, so no more exhaust leak, and it runs and drives so much better!!! And I also installed my new brakes!! What a difference. It stops so well now!!!! Thanks again to Mikey!!






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