Anyone local want to help?


Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
I just got a set of the subi mods HID kits and want to install ASAP before my trip to N.C. next week. Anyone want to give me a hand so I don't screw it up?? I hate electronics in cars, I'm sure I could handle it, but a second opinion, or even better, someone who has done it before, would be awesome!!! Thanks

if you bring it by my place i'd love to lend a hand. never done the kit but electronics dont scare me.

i live in portland

Lobstah, I might take you up on it. I have to go to Gabes on Wednesday after work, and I doubt I'll have time after. We'll see what happens, and I'll let you know. Thanks!!

don't know what your car looks like but my drivers side ballest in screwed in down by the base of the battery and i just got my passenger side temp. mounted by the intake

I'm pretty sure it's very similar to yours. I just want it to look really neat, and organized. Luckily I have a ton of zip ties!!

Depends on the reflectors i know my blobeye lamps are not bad.. I haven't been flashed yet by an on coming driver and drive by at least one cop every night I'm out..

Depends on the reflectors i know my blobeye lamps are not bad.. I haven't been flashed yet by an on coming driver and drive by at least one cop every night I'm out..
Unless your 04-05 has STI headlights then you have the wrong headlights for HID's. I was in the same boat thinking you could just throw a kit on your stock lights and BAM have a nice set of HID's but more i researched I found that you NEED to have the proper reflectors for HID's


I'm not arguing with you about the reflectors not being the right set up.. I'm just saying that with my blobeye headlights my aim is not bad and have had no problems yet with blinding on coming traffic

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You don't need.. its a good idea.. but i lucked out and my cut and aim was pretty good with my relectors

.....your reflectors are the same ones any one with an 04-05 WRX has...HID bulbs are different then regular halogen which your lights are designed for.

read this all the way through.

I'm not arguing with you about the reflectors not being the right set up.. I'm just saying that with my blobeye headlights my aim is not bad and have had no problems yet with blinding on coming traffic
hah i know man im just trying to get the point through to you that it is not safe even if you think the cut off is fine
