Anyone local want to help?

Well as far as i know i got the same lamps as an 04-05 sti and they come with HID from factory
hahah Yes if you have STI Headlights 04-05 you have the right headlights....I thought you had regular WRX head lights. If you have STI lights then you are all set

no i had wrx headlamps with reflector the 04-05 sti headlamps also have reflectors..

Someone correct me if I'm wrong

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no i had wrx headlamps with reflector the 04-05 sti headlamps as also reflectors


WRX STOCK headlights = NON-HID. = Dont try to put HID bulbs in.

STI Headlights = OEM HID = Your all set and dont need to worry about it.

You can have reflector headlights but that doesn't mean they were made for HID's. Like bugeyes have reflector headlights but are not made for HID's you need to buy the JDM HID headlights.

K man.. when people start flashing me because they think I'm beeming them (hasn't happend yet within a month) or a cop pulls me over and gives me a hard time there staying. One would think the first cop I met coming the other direction would pull me over if they were blinding them. I'm not trying to be Ignorant, or arrogant and not care about someone else's safety.. Just I'v had no complaints yet and the first time I get one they will be out..

I'm not too worried about this at all. I have seen many older Subarus with HID's put in the stock housings and have no issues.

K man.. when people start flashing me because they think I'm beeming them (hasn't happend yet within a month) or a cop pulls me over and gives me a hard time there staying. One would think the first cop I met coming the other direction would pull me over if they were blinding them. I'm not trying to be Ignorant, or arrogant and not care about someone else's safety.. Just I'v had no complaints yet and the first time I get one they will be out..

That makes 0 sense...But its your car...also realize that HID's are not just plug n can damage your cars wiring cause the HID's require higher voltage to run.

again please just read this all the way through, its not just about "the difference between halogen and HID" it tells you in detail why things like these 'HID Kits' are not good unless you replace the whole headlight...

The HID's I have use 50% less power than a normal halogen set-up, and the wattage is much lower as well. The ballast itself generates a lot of voltage, but that's it.

I'm not too worried about this at all. I have seen many older Subarus with HID's put in the stock housings and have no issues.

Please do some research.

You can put HID in stock housing if it was made for HID's. Like the 04-10 STI's which come with factory HID's. Just cause there isn't 'issues' doesn't mean they are working correctly or blinding other drivers.

what time saying is its not the blub blinding people its the reflectors and I don't see really much difference between the 04-05 sti housing and my wrx's one again someone correct me if im wrong.

Like Bratman said the voltage doesn't build until the ballest.. Which after the ballest is the wiring that comes with the kit..

what time saying is its not the blub blinding people its the reflectors and I don't see really much difference between the 04-05 sti housing and my wrx's one again someone correct me if im wrong.

Stop trying to base it on looks, STI headlights come from the factory with HID's...WRXs don't which means ....the housing or 'reflector' is different.

WRX/RS headlights- chrome/silver housing (04)

- smoked/grey housing (05)

- halogen reflector

- direct plug and play

STi headlights

- plastic housings vary as stated above

- HID reflector, OEM Philips ballast and bulbs, leveling motor (switch needed too)

- need custom wiring to make them work in WRX/RS
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Like Bratman said the voltage doesn't build until the ballest.. Which after the ballest is the wiring that comes with the kit..
Im saying if you just 'Plug' the new bulb into your existing wiring with no modifications you can damage your cars wiring, if you have a harness made like the one makes where there is a SEPARATE power and ground then it wont damage your cars wiring.

So I ended up doing them last night with a little help from Gabe after we ( did my fuel pump. They are awesome!!! I had to drive home after dark and then even in some rain and they are sooooo much better than they were before. They take a few seconds to warm up, but once they have been on, there is no delay. Very happy with them, and I drove all the way from Lisbon to Waldoboro, on the highway, and on back roads, and never had one person flash me, and none of the 3 cops I past pulled me over either.

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glad you like them

Man, all these stories of people not getting in trouble with HIDs in stock housings makes me want to give it a go.

*looks at wallet*


Post up some pics bratman! I'm curious to see the cutoff line too.


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