Anyone local want to help?

Good for you man. Glad you like them.

Post up some pics bratman! I'm curious to see the cutoff line too.
There wont be any cut off Nate. Cutoff exists due to the focusing of the light through a projector.

Man, all these stories of people not getting in trouble with HIDs in stock housings makes me want to give it a go.*looks at wallet*


Post up some pics bratman! I'm curious to see the cutoff line too.
Just because the people who put them in are not getting pulled over/ flashed by other drivers doesn't mean HID's in the wrong type of housing is a good idea, its not but people refuse to spend the money on real HID's and go cheap....

Not that I don't, but do you see any of these people caring? I bet you none of the people that take time to put them in are going to take them out because you tell them it's a bad idea. Chill.

I agree with WDP's points and that's what I'd do personally if I wanted hidz. People are gonna do what they want, c'est la vie.

If they make you happy and don't blind me, more power to you.

I'm not saying his points are bad, in fact yeah ... if you want them done right, get the correct housing. I just think repeating himself over and over isn't going to change anyone's mind.

I never realized the crap this thread was gonna start. No need to get so pissy. They are so much better than stock, but in no way bright enough to ruin another drivers vision when they see you coming. And certainly not as bright as a lot of the high end cars that come with HID's, and DO blind you when you see them coming. I definitely recommend them if you have crappy headlights. If your stock ones are good enough, then stick with them, if you are looking for am affordable way to have better light, this is a great way to go.

Not that I don't, but do you see any of these people caring? I bet you none of the people that take time to put them in are going to take them out because you tell them it's a bad idea. Chill.
Im saying it because I don't think people are getting my points and still think "Well mine are aimed right" or "Mine don't blind drivers" But the facts(data + science) say other wise. And its not like im getting upset at them im just telling them the true facts behind it, and hope that they change there mind which it appears I havnt but maybe someone who was on the fence about ordering an HID kit will read my posts and have second thoughts about going the cheap/unsafe route. Like I said before its your car do what you want.


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