Aux out mod for '99 Tape Deck

i might have a subaru harness from the hu i got from gabe in the back of one of the cars at my house next time i crawl under the tarps ill look for it and you can have it for like 5 bucks


I have an oem '05 STi 6-disc changer laying around, no visible AUX, but if it can be modified to help you out, and if it fits, let me know via PM, & I'll hook you up with it.

I bet you could mod it to have an AUX, it just depends how much work it is... I mean I got an AUX working on the stock '96 radio. But by the time I got it working, it wasn't worth it.

...Being as Nate's a " broke high school kid", I figgered' if I could, I'd help him out.

If he needed some 850cc RC injectors, I could be more help, lol!

I'd be up for trying this
. The only thing is that I'm not sure I'd like to have the CD player running a blank CD while only using an MP3 player... I feel like it would be bad for the life of the head unit.

edit: woah woah woah, injectors?

Aw, screw the life of the h/u, I'm giving it to ya.

And, by the time it shats, you'll have the cake for a new h/u, an A+ single-DIN is only $300, like my Kwood 993.

Now, duzzit' fit in your dash? It's a silver "brick" w the 4ch. amp built in.

As to 850s, you'd need a walboro, and I don't think an n/a car would benefit.

I'll look about and see what's in the bins Nate, & if anything pops up I'll let ya know.

I was kind of joking about the injectors
. Do NA cars not gain much because they can't get enough air in to keep up with the fuel?

You've got a PM incoming.

Finally got the radio completely opened up after an hour or so, so I have access to both sides of the PCB. The tutorial I was following said that the required pins were labeled, but mine aren't,
. I'll be doing some hunting, trace following, and googling before I can solder the wires on.

I have the audio cables already, I'm going to use a headphone extension cord and mount it in my ash tray, then just use an aux cable. This way I can remove the cable and it will look clean.

Finally got the radio completely opened up after an hour or so, so I have access to both sides of the PCB. The tutorial I was following said that the required pins were labeled, but mine aren't,
. I'll be doing some hunting, trace following, and googling before I can solder the wires on.I have the audio cables already, I'm going to use a headphone extension cord and mount it in my ash tray, then just use an aux cable. This way I can remove the cable and it will look clean.
Are you doing this to the stock radio?

Was a bit of a PITA with mine... I didn't follow a tutorial though, just sort of figured it out...

I'm doing it to a stock 2005 STI radio.

Apparently its got a built in amp or something that makes it more complicated, but I could be making that up (its early...).

Is there a specific component that should be on the back of the PCB where I should be soldering?

Can anybody with electronics know-how help me out here?

Here's my posts on Nasioc:

massive pictures incoming... If you see an area that looks promising, I can take a close up of that spot if needed.

I can't tell where you need to tie in for an aux input, but I bet it's likely that the missing "IC302" is for the 5th-channel subwoofer output found on some models.
Some Subaru HUs have a "switcher" IC that selects which audio source plays. If you can find that, you can follow the traces to find a convenient spot to make your mod.
How would I find this "switcher" circuit?


5th grade photoshop skills ftw? I stole the watermelon from an online cartoon. Don't ask

Looks like a fun project. Wish I was closer, I'd come help ya out.
Thanks. Right now I just have to figure out how to figure out where to solder the aux input to

lol5th grade photoshop skills ftw? I stole the watermelon from an online cartoon. Don't ask

Thanks. Right now I just have to figure out how to figure out where to solder the aux input to
do you at least know how how to solder. And at that, solder little traces on a board without the solder going everywhere and making a mess?

You can usually find out where either the radio or cd player goes into the amp section of the radio and put a switch on it. To switch between, say, CD and your aux in.

Sometimes if it is all in the same board it can be a PITA though... (this is how the stock radio on my car was)

Yes I can solder. Not amazingly, but I'm confident that I can solder on this board, otherwise I wouldn't have started the project.

The only thing I can think of now is to plug the head unit in and start playing a CD, and test lots of pins with a multimeter and see what happens. I have no idea what to look for though, and I don't want to eff anything up.

Yes I can solder. Not amazingly, but I'm confident that I can solder on this board, otherwise I wouldn't have started the project.The only thing I can think of now is to plug the head unit in and start playing a CD, and test lots of pins with a multimeter and see what happens. I have no idea what to look for though, and I don't want to eff anything up.
Since I was doing it with my stock one, it was cassette. So I made a cassette that played a certain frequency, and different on each channel. So I probed around for that with my oscilloscope.

So that should work with a CD as well?

I'd just burn a CD that switches between 3 frequencies. frequency 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, etc, changing every 2 seconds or so.


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