Ban the Person Above You

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I got ninjaed

ban for

banned for not knowing I'm meeting Lobstah on Sunday when I'm in Topsham anyway.
ban for getting spoilt by pedaling scoobies on Utah back roads and double triple ban for getting spoilt by thinking that skiing in heavenly Utah pow pow is somehow NORMAL ??!!

now THAT is a serious B- A - N

ban for saying cheers......had to come up with something!

Mikey, who you know in Waldoboro?!?!

Banned for not letting me ban Pedro for banning Nigel because he drives a real rally car and can kick some ass. Yeah Utah does have some epic powder days, not too many yet, but it will come soon.

Gaargh! It's December Second already, if GClark izz actually in Utah and ain't found great pow by now he's not workin hard enuff.

"Ummm, I..recommend quadruple ban for Mr GClark, your honor"

-----Added 12/2/2009 at 07:08:19-----

ban for the awesome porsche pic
I first saw this pic in a dream, then eye found one on the IntaAweb, so ban anybody who thinks it's groovy too

Ban because I did get some pow turns in already, but theres only been two "real" Utah powder days. And we are hopefully getting a lot this weekend. Im prayin to the snow gods!!!

Ban because I did get some pow turns in already, but theres only been two "real" Utah powder days. And we are hopefully getting a lot this weekend. Im prayin to the snow gods!!!
ban cuz I pray snow gods send you some and send us some too. we need it here way more than you

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