Bridgton Local Ride

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Here's the info again:

April 28


Lower parking lot of Hayes True Value

(in between true value and lake region house of pizza, just an empty parking lot)

204 Portland Rd


Riding from Bridgton down 302 to windham, 35 to Standish, 114 to sebago, and 107 back to Bridgton.

Otherwise known as the Sebago Lake loop

wish i could pop for the new rubber before the ride but...oh well,no excusses im in....See ya all there

With any luck i should have my new wheels/rubber for the upcoming drive....Nothing better then new tires man,unless of coarse the temps are below 40.....Cant wait

There's going to be over 20 people, how's that for convincing?

Doesn't look like my LGT will be out of the shop in time for this, the motor just got shipped today.
Guess I'll be cruising in mommy's PVEZ leggy lol. CVT transmission for the loss.

As long as it's ready for the annual meet I guess I'll be fine though haha

If the weather is ok I will take the STI. I have lots of old 93 sitting around I need to burn.
you got a stock pile of 93 kicking round....Is that what your dad started the fire with??p.s  stop in sometime and check out the new wheels

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I'm considering this, haven't been up that way since when I used to live in Waterford. Looks like a good route through Sandy Creek.

It's a pretty fun drive, lots of nice corners, but still plenty of open area to get on it. Usually not too much traffic either, even during the heat of summer.

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