can anyone compare a well setup civic to a well setup 97ish impreza?

taiden if you want some good swap info follow mikey's thread about his wagon, or i'll keep you informed as i venture on doing mine. it's going to be a lot of fun

svx is cheap, hell you can even come out ahead if you buy one and part it out. Or just troll nasioc for crashed/rolled wrx's or STi's in the oh poop I'm selling my wrecker section.

People sell preswapped cars on rs25 and other sites for cheap, but they're a crapshoot whether their piles or not.

no way chris. buy an sti for 15k. at the end of the day it's still worth the money and will always start. too many mega projects have either fallen by the wayside or done half assed due to ridiculous grandeur plans of making a track monster out of a daily driver.
even if that car was faster, i'd prefer having your car in stock form.
True. Hey man you can buy my STI. lol

Well, looks like someone wants to buy my civic.... This is going to start a terrible chain of events. LOL

gc8 here I come

Quick question: why are RSs so expensive?

You can get an L on CL for less than $1500. Seems like you could quickly surpass the handling and braking of an RS with $1500 worth of mods. Then you could do an H6 swap for cheap if you part out an SVX and be faster in a straight line.

Maybe I'm wrong?

cause they are so awsome. I believe the diffs are diffrent also.

serious. I have wondered how they hold there value so well also. Like a 2000 2.5 rs can run you $10k easy. why I am not sure.

taiden you are correct. buying a good condition L would be your best bet. considering you'll be swapping out everything of value anyway you might as well start with a cheaper shell

i'd also like to see someone with firsthand experience chime in on how fast a 20 year old n/a 6cyl engine would actually be in an impreza. the svx was kind of unimpressive. i don't like the idea of boosting n/a blocks on a subaru either

I little late to the party...

I love Subarus, obviously, and autox them regularly. But a well setup civic in Street Class will walk all over a N/A subaru all day with the right driver.

Only problem is, you have to drive it home after... ha ha ha. Which would be way better in any subaru.

Suspension and lightness. The two things that always make a car faster.

In the grand scheme of things, Subaru suspensions systems are not that great. Out of the box handling is mediocer at best, they are heavy and underpowered. The only thing that really saves a subaru is the AWD and how much more forgiving than a 2wd system it is. Personally, I think the OP is going to be dissapointed when he tries to compair his Civic and an Impreza. The differences will be there when daily driving, but get into a motorsports situation, and they are in completely different leagues. I think that if the OP was moving to a WRX instead of an Impreza, the give and take would be more equal. The handling still wouldn't be on the same level but the seat-pressing fun would definitly make up for it.

But all the arguments get thrown out the window when you need to drive it in the snow. You simply can't compair any 2wd to AWD. Really, in the end, you can't compair them at all. Completely different animals, great for different things and reasons, and people like what they like. You may like an Impreza more than a civic, you may not.

yup, the weight to suspension/grip factor is way higher in the civic for Street Class Autox. The field gets leveled when modification are endless, and at that point $$ becomes the next factor....

well, it looks like my civic is actually getting sold this weekend.

Keep your eyes out for a 5mt 4 door impreza. I heard they were rare, and I can't find any on craigslist. All the four doors are autos?

are there common areas for rust that I can check when I'm looking at used subarus? I know the civic spots but not the impreza spots for rust.

Keep your eyes out for a 5mt 4 door impreza. I heard they were rare, and I can't find any on craigslist. All the four doors are autos?
are there common areas for rust that I can check when I'm looking at used subarus? I know the civic spots but not the impreza spots for rust.
I'm pretty sure its either all-power windows or all-manual. That was my experience when I was shopping.

Rust spots are what Mark said, plus the gas filler pipe, though I'm not sure how much of a problem the pipe actually is.

when you say gas filler pipe do you just mean under the gas flap or the actual pipe itself? (i thought the pipes were rubber)

I'm not 100% sure myself. I'm almost certain the pipe is metal though. It's what people said could be the reason for my smelling fuel whenever I was backing out of my driveway.

there is somethign on the filler neck that rusts out. i don't know what it is, but inski said my fozzy had it raplaced, so i don't care
open the fuel door and see if behind it is rotted out like a mkIII jetta, then look up in the wheel well


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