Destroyed, Wrecked, Mangled...

If you go to the april meet, you can take pictures for Carter and post them...

Oh no, Carter are you serious?!?! I thought you were just yanking our chains!


this one is getting old, thankfully.


I attempt to put how lucky this is into words...

highway speeds, in the 70s by dysarts and that dump site off the highway. My lucky spot for near death, me or my cars.

short story: oct 16, 2006. old lady in honda, barely a light on, flat tire in the 20s mph or less, in front of me and line of cars sailing along behind me..could not choose brakes in the time frame given. literally right out of nowhere..last second decision to squeeze between left lane car and hers, both mirrors were too fat for the went one way, one went the other. I was the ham in a sandwich. A rear end hit at that contrast of god. they'd be pulling my teeth out of the steering wheel and my big toe out of the driver side exhaust port...and my arm out of the carburator.

it then slid forever sideways, into a guard rail..and kept running on two cyls, engine pinched, belly bent. car done. appeared to be a several hundred feet, more than foot ball field. I ponder'd 80s mph after trying to figure out how in hell it could slide that long.(speedo was no good as usual)


kept the engine..did not keep the 2wd 5 speed, like a dummy.

uh.. totaled Carter?

Are you ok?

oh and EvilAsPie needs to post up some of his OBS pix

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