Destroyed, Wrecked, Mangled...

Now this thread is a total bummer. I feel bad for everyone who has had to go through this. I'll try to find pictures of the minor damage done to the wagon.

Boulders & Trees 1... Evo 0

codriving ex ACP Evo IV last summer up at a regional rally in Canada. we came into a tight "R4 tightens into L3" combo a lil hot and a lil wide. probly could have gotten away with one or the other, but not both at once. After impacts with a couple trees/ big rocks and then landing in a boulder pile, hangin in our harnesses, first thing driver Michelle did was go "Whoa! F**K!! ARe you OK?" and then start giggling. gotta love her attitude. Evo was pretty tore up but rebuilt and racin again within a month.

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L2 on black ice with improper tires at 15mph, Gaylord Michigan. Full opposite lock by the end of the corner, gaining speed with no grip in sight. Decided to snowbank it...snowbank wasn't made out of snow. Tie rod folded, Jeep spun sideways, and then we reached where they had decided to start salting the road...sudden surplus of grip + sideways + lifted with no sway bars = Flop.

Spent a few extra days in Michigan than I had planned...fortunately there was a microbrewery next to my motel, where I spent most of my free time (free time was something I had quite a bit of as Craig flew home to go back to work). Jeep took it like a champ, didn't even break any glass...just took forever to repair because apparently there wasn't a tie rod anywhere within 6 days.


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that's also why I don't go to Michigan anymore, heh. Ended up with a $300 ticket...for damaging my own vehicle.

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sorry to load the "Wrecked" thread with yet another mashed-up rally car but hey, we gotta get SOME satisfaction out of busting stuff OK?

This was from Rally of the Tall Pines in Ontario, and shows what happens when you try to run on greasy frozen dirt with gravel tires instead of proper snows. FIrst km of first stage, there was basically zero grip, we were all over the road and both thinking "this is not gonna end well."

Heh, it didn't...we made it less than 2km before the inevitable meeting of car/rocks/trees. Funny shot of J, instead of looking bummed cuz he just crashed the car, he looks all proud like he just shot a big buck....

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Not mine, but a Subaru from MFR 2002 I think?

A borrowed bugeye street car playing on the access roads to the special stages. I got to watch this one burn while treating the occupants for their injuries.



..and the LDR car got stuck in the traffic snarl behind the incident scene, and we almost took a time penalty because of it. heh, a lil off-road work (literally) and we got around the cluster.

year was 2003

..and the LDR car got stuck in the traffic snarl behind the incident scene, and we almost took a time penalty because of it. heh, a lil off-road work (literally) and we got around the cluster.

year was 2003
Yeah I was working Medical for Sheila at the time. We were first on scene, took about an hour to get the occupants trucked out. It was a huge pain in the arse, but really interesting looking at the car afterwards.

Chris, look at it this way. It coulda been way worse. For example.....

What starts with F and ends in UCK



This South Euclid ladder truck was heading down Wrenford Road April 4 when it came to an unexpected, abrupt and uncontrolled stop. The U-bolts that hold the differential to the leaf springs snapped, causing the differential to roll out the back. Several tow trucks came to the scene. Those tow truck operators considered several options while trying to figure out how to hook up the truck and load the broken parts. It took about four hours to clear the road.