Detailing job I did!

Polished the tips almost 2 weeks ago. Have not touched them since. Still look good! Love UPGP!


Ultima paint guard plus. Paint sealant. Stuff is amazing. $40 for 12 oz. but 2-3 sprays do a 4 square foot area.
u can use it on aluminum? what you use for a cleaner?looking for something for mine. to keep them clean to some point

my exhaust i am talking about

u can use it on aluminum? what you use for a cleaner?looking for something for mine. to keep them clean to some point

my exhaust i am talking about
Yes it works on pretty much anything. I used Megs ultimate compound and polish to remove the carbon build up then used soap and water to clean. Probably should have used ipa. Then you just wipe on the UPGP and let cure. You can use multiple coats as well. We will throw some on when you come over. We can clean em up first obviously.

Just detailed Jamey's engine bay. Forgot to get a before pic. Came out pretty good! Used greased lightning and a pressure washer. Protected with Meg's #40!!


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Great detailing tips!

I personally love cleaning my own car, but sometimes you get busy and it's nice to know there are people out there that will clean your car as if it's their own.


Great detailing tips! I personally love cleaning my own car, but sometimes you get busy and it's nice to know there are people out there that will clean your car as if it's their own.

I agree! But then I think about someone else touching my car and freak out

My car is a friggin mess right meow . If it wouldn't rain for few days that be awesome ..
Samesies, won't have time to clean it till next week too

Did a 2013 Legacy 3.6 Limited today. It was pretty clean other than the surface dirt from driving in the rain. I really like this car and it drives awesome!






