Fall Group Drive to the White Mountians

dude im not sure i wanna do anything over 80 - 85, i cant afford a speeding ticket or worse, i got a kid on the way and a family to support. im all for having lots of fun though!
Dude 80-85 is still a big ticket, trust me. I think my last one was ~$250

I have a hard time driving slow around other modded subarus... maybe it's just me.

when we left lincoln nh on last year's drive, we got on the highway and I was breaking 125 before I realized it! still fun though

Im definitely going this year. Though I am bringing the slow impreza and staying in the back of the line. Too much work trying to keep up in the front of the pack with my STI. Didn't like on the way back down 302 everyone decided to hit their brakes. lol Man my poor car got a workout that day.

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I'm thinking I might be able to make it. Big might depending on whats going on with school that week. jot me down though

Im planning on breaking triple digits multiple times and if its anything like last time we might need to make a slow group and a faster group. Even in my sti I had to work to keep up at times between traffic and speed. Once we get into the white mountains its hard not to get moving right along.

woww ive been slacking, updating now.

i see a lot of "maybe" posts.... cmon now this is worth going on!

I don't know how I missed this thread until now. I must be blind... Anyway, I've never been to a group drive, I'd love to go!

If it's on the 24th, sign me up! If it's on the 17th I can't make it.

I'd like to ride with someone because my car is slow and doesn't handle worth crap compared to most of your cars. And my tires are shot... Someone's gonna have an open seat for me.

I have walkie talkies I can bring!! I have 4, 2 of which I know work...
