[feeler] 2nd Annual Mainely Subarus Snirty Drive Date.

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Matt- ill codrive for you. I dont think my car will be prepared by then and really wanna see what the brothers rez put on for a drive

major snafu in the route construction....motor blew in nates wagon...old one is a few nuts away from being out, replacement going in, in the morning. get this damn car running and get it back on the road by dinner tomorrow.


there WILL be a VERY nice treat for all those that make the trek...im not at liberty to share at this point...but for those that make it to the final leg, there is a fun little surprise....

surprise is NOT a yump...it's a ride down an old logging flume (in your Subaru)

well...there is a jump or two...but you are aware that all these roads are drive your own pace and jumps are labeled. IF you jump your car..it because you wanted to.

but that's not the surprise.....Nigel txt me...

Yeah.. I went this morning to work on the route book.. got about 2.8miles in and I saw my check engine light, which is normally just on, blinking......... and a nasty sound coming from somewhere in the engine... so drove it back, called the ReZ-Racing Chief Mechanic and informed him of the issue. He in returned said start breaking it down. so here we go. As it sits, the engine is ready to be hoisted out, and hopefully the new one goes in with no issues..

This is what my Anti-freeze looked like


As for the route.. here is a sneak peak on the back of my broken dirty car

Note: Its not to scale... just sayin...


I have a stockpile of Subaru parts in the garage...
a Ej22 just happens to be one of the parts being stockpiled

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hahhahahaha I think the super secret is going to drive people crazy...you just have to join us and see..I know at least 2 people know...and I hope they keep a lid on it....Benson.....Dan......lol

no...nobody will die...

as long as people drive within their own limits...and try not to pull some DiRT3 bullshat....

do you have a timeframe for when we are starting and finishing? just want to know if I should get more lights...

and what about helmets

I'm excited. Just need to swap on gravels if no snow (if I can get front calipers shaved enough for the 15"s). Poor snows had a rough one last time out. Had to help an innocent bystander change a flat on their mazda ( they were totally unprepared)

just be aware that if the temperatures are under 40 degrees by the time of the drive, the gravels will be useless..they wont go flat...or get destroyed or nothing...but their usable traction dramatically decreases.

Jake, I saw you yesterday morning...I waved...but you didnt recognize the big white cargo van. lol

just be aware that if the temperatures are under 40 degrees by the time of the drive, the gravels will be useless..they wont go flat...or get destroyed or nothing...but their usable traction dramatically decreases.

Jake, I saw you yesterday morning...I waved...but you didnt recognize the big white cargo van. lol
As low as the power is in my car a little loosness from gravels may be more fun. But with recent weather expecting possible snow or mud.

Didn't see ya in the a.m. Probably was tired with my blinders on

jake--gravels in snow or cold dirt aren't' just a "little loose" they are comically dangerously bad bad bad. the rubber compound on gravel rally tires has a very narrow temperature range. if conditions are outside that range, their grip goes buh-bye and then unpleasant things happen.

here is a pic of results....we tried running gravel tires at Tall Pines on a cold morning, about 28 degrees or so. this off happened about 1 km into the very first stage of the rally, and we were lucky not to have gone off several times earlier during that 1 km. It was a verrry loong drive for a verry short rally and a hard lesson.

tire mantra for transitional conditions: "snow tires work better on gravel than gravels work on snow" repeat until it sinks into your brain.

given that advice, if you bring gravels to a snowy dirt drive, I for one may refuse to twitch you out of the inevitable ditch.

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