I'm in luck! I found a 2.5 SOHC that hopefully will be in the car before next weekend!! haha I was getting worried I'd have to co-drive for someone haha
So far my primary co driver has backed out. trying to get my wife to come. But if no sitter can't have her. May be looking for codriver if anyone on the fence. Or worst case I will co drive or do it alone like last year.
not 100% certain...there could be a last minute planning of something...using the route from last dirt drive...modified to make the super secret ending a possibility.
usually it has been the mobil gas station in Milford. take exit 193 to old town via stillwater and go right off the exit. Keep going straight for about 3.5 miles. You go over 3 bridges and through downtown old town. the gas station is on the left and is noticeable by lifted trucks with loud exhausts.