I would like to keep it as stock as possible, probably not going to happen.Save time and energy, buy a manual rs. If it'll be dd you don't want to have to eff with it like that
Only if you install itbuy the rs and my forester 5spd drivetrain and have a snappy little coupe![]()
Already bought, it shouldn't be a hassle(I hope)You sure you want a sled?
They are more hassle then what they are worth IMO
That's what the Lexus would be for.can't pick up chicks on a sled.
They'll have to catch me first!I don't think UMPD will let you use the sled on campus..... just saying...
I hope you go to woodys for you yamaha!
gabe is that the 4.44 ratio? if so I've got that and I love the gears, so quick and surprising amounts of torquebuy the rs and my forester 5spd drivetrain and have a snappy little coupe![]()
Now only his Maita is available. 4runner is gone.I have the to end all plan. Garrett, buy Pedro's 4runner and his go-kart like maita for $XXXX or something and still have money left over. If you have never owned a 4runner you are missing out. Ive owned 3 now. And if you have never been in Pedro's otter taking onramps at 80mph then you are Really missing out. Think about. You would still have a subie, on nice spring, summer days you would have a down top, with 32mpg and it handles like on rails. In the winter you would have a suv that goes just about anywhere. And you would be able to go offroad anytime of the year. Think, think , think.