My diet is decent. I (99% of the time) stay away from bad foods. I wouldn't say I'm on any crazy "fad diet", I just try to make good/better choices. But like anyone, I do enjoy a juicy steak, or an ice cream on occasion. I just need to look out for how often I treat myself.
You're right though, I think I should be getting my cardio back on track. Just taking a 2-3 miles job on the treadmill 4 times a week with my lifting really leaned me out last summer. I just need to get back to that point. I was never a very good runner. Even playing sports in high school and such. I do it because I have to, not because I enjoy it.
Recommendations on the vitamins/fish oil? I used to take a basic multivitamin a long while back but somehow stopped. that's easy. Grab something at any drug store?
Maybe I can pick your brain on reworking my lifting routine. Its working for me, but I'm looking to size on a bit in certain areas. Maybe just a little change would do me good. I think my lack of change lately in the gym has resulted in a lack of motivation. When I see results, you can't keep me out of the gym. But with a slowing/plateauing, I just don't have the drive I did before.
And holy crap I'm a post clown!