Gym Junkies

move my center of gravity up about a foot lol.

i wanna keep gaining upper body strength, and continue losing lower torso baggage.


Well, diet and exercise. That diet that I'm on is pretty effective. I'm also taking some weight loss pills from a stack that they sell on know I know cheating.) Those seem to work too, but I'll have a definite answer in a week when I weigh myself.

yea. ...i've stayed away from stuff like that. just doing devil cardio, and eating white meat and steamed veggies. ...yuck.

Yesaaah. I'm not really into supplements and all that ****. I stopped taking Nitrix a week after I started it. I saw this, sad why not, it's not to expensive, I could lose a pound or two (I WANT THAT GOD DAMN 6 PACK! heh), so I bought it. I'll keep you updated if it actually works.

^I <3 supplements... it's all about using the right ones. There is A LOT of garbage out there. But keep in mind they are SUPPLEMENTS - they SUPPLEMENT your diet and training.

^I <3 supplements... it's all about using the right ones. There is A LOT of garbage out there. But keep in mind they are SUPPLEMENTS - they SUPPLEMENT your diet and training.
I wouldn't mind picking your brain. Im basically down to protein right now. Creatine worked well, but with some side effects I didnt care to deal with.

What are you looking to find out?
Oh just looking to take a different direction I guess. I'm finding myself plateauing size wise. Honestly, It might come down to needing to change some stuff up at the gym. But, I think its been harder and harder for me progress since stopping creatine. (Read below for why I stopped) I push as hard as I can But I'm just finding I don't have that edge to progress and add more weight.

And I struggle VERY MUCH with dropping the last 10lbs. Since I've been back to it hard, I've dropped over 25lbs on the scale, plus sized on quite a bit. I just can't seem to lean out like I want. Again it probably comes down to discepline in the gym. Like stepping up my cardio. But I know I'm burning a metric **** ton of calories when I lift like I do. Its just frustrating.

what side effects did you have?
The one I was taking actually gave me big ole pimples on my upper arms, back, and chest. Really painful ones. (Yah, weird I know) I had no idea where the heck they were coming from till I stopped taking it and they went away within a week or so. So bad on my right bicep that it left some scaring. Other then that I loved it! I could see the benefits.

^Happy 4000th post

Are you taking a good multivitamin and fish oil? Those are a must have for any training/diet.


What's your diet right now Nate? Good diet + cardio=skinny Nate. Come running with me(If you can keep up

My diet is decent. I (99% of the time) stay away from bad foods. I wouldn't say I'm on any crazy "fad diet", I just try to make good/better choices. But like anyone, I do enjoy a juicy steak, or an ice cream on occasion. I just need to look out for how often I treat myself.

You're right though, I think I should be getting my cardio back on track. Just taking a 2-3 miles job on the treadmill 4 times a week with my lifting really leaned me out last summer. I just need to get back to that point. I was never a very good runner. Even playing sports in high school and such. I do it because I have to, not because I enjoy it.

Recommendations on the vitamins/fish oil? I used to take a basic multivitamin a long while back but somehow stopped. that's easy. Grab something at any drug store?

Maybe I can pick your brain on reworking my lifting routine. Its working for me, but I'm looking to size on a bit in certain areas. Maybe just a little change would do me good. I think my lack of change lately in the gym has resulted in a lack of motivation. When I see results, you can't keep me out of the gym. But with a slowing/plateauing, I just don't have the drive I did before.

And holy crap I'm a post clown!

Ok. I'm always looking to mix it up. You have any days off this coming week? We can meet up for lunch (my treat) somewhere and talk some things over.
