How long is your daily commute?

Ms Runnah

New member
So, Runnah and I found a house we both love (to buy) only problem is its 2 hours north of Portland. I work in Portland 1 day a week (sometimes more if I need to go down to a meeting). I work in Augusta the rest of the time. House is in Palmyra. (He works in Pittsfield so for him its perfect!) We looked for houses about halfway (Augusta/Waterville area), but didn't find anything we like and can get more house for the same amount of money in Palmyra/Newport area, (plus we both really like it up there)

So I'm just curious what you all do for a commute to work? Basically I just want someone to make me feel better about driving 2 hours once or more a week for work and tell me I am not completely insane for considering buying a house so far away!

if it makes you feel any better i'll be doubling that in July at my new place,+Portland,+ME+04103&daddr=43.671814,-70.283017+to:211+Marginal+Way,+Portland,+Cumberland,+Maine+04101&geocode=%3B%3BFaJCmgId2uPP-w&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=15&via=1&sll=43.670541,-70.27997&sspn=0.014714,0.027466&safe=on&ie=UTF8&ll=43.665419,-70.274949&spn=0.014715,0.027466&z=15

-----Added 5/14/2009 at 09:14:21-----

Wow that must be rough. I miss living and working downtown Portland and being able to walk to work. I don't miss getting harrassed by hobos on my way to work every morning though.

haha. yeah it's the price to pay. my sidestep has never been better though. i've added a bit of a juke, and i'm working on a spin move.

60 on friday coming home in the summer if I don't get out early enough. (that was round trip mileage)
What?! Right now it takes me an hour to drive from Augusta to Portland (59miles) How are you driving 85 miles in 45 min!? I guess I need to drive faster!!

-----Added 5/14/2009 at 09:44:25-----

What?! Right now it takes me an hour to drive from Augusta to Portland (59miles) How are you driving 85 miles in 45 min!? I guess I need to drive faster!!
Nevermind Pedro, I'm a moron. Apparently you writing "round trip" two different times is not enough for me to notice!

What?! Right now it takes me an hour to drive from Augusta to Portland (59miles) How are you driving 85 miles in 45 min!? I guess I need to drive faster!!

-----Added 5/14/2009 at 09:44:25-----

Nevermind Pedro, I'm a moron. Apparently you writing "round trip" two different times is not enough for me to notice!
I factored that in.. but I guess I should have made it red or something

either that or I go 113.4 MPH on my way to work.

8 minutes one way. used to be 30 mins one way until i moved. For me, any commute over 45 minutes is a strain, but since you wont be doing it every day, it might not be bad. are there other job prospects closer to the house for you?

I drive about 45min one way to work from Limington to SoPo 5 days a week. It's closer to 30min with light to no traffic.

I wouldn't want it to be much longer.

.4 miles each way, 5-6 days a week. it's almost as fast to ride the bike as to drive and find parking. heck, I have even done it by great, except for the waterfalls in the last couple hundred yards

soon to be hugely 7 miles each way!

8 minutes one way. used to be 30 mins one way until i moved. For me, any commute over 45 minutes is a strain, but since you wont be doing it every day, it might not be bad. are there other job prospects closer to the house for you?
Eh, not really much up there. I will be about 30 min from Bangor so that is always an option for work. I like my job though, so pretty happy for the time being as far as work goes (minus the crappy 1 day long commute). In the next few years though once we have a baby, I may want to stay home, atleast day times so we can avoid daycare (and maybe just work on the weekend or somethng part time) so if that happens it will def be better for us to be closer to Runnah's job.

20minutes right now. I drove about 1 hour 10mins for a few years and it wasnt bad. Its nice to have some time to just chill and listen to music. Just make sure you have a gas sippin machine.
