How long is your daily commute?

I drive between 0 and 100ish miles a day depending on where work takes me and how much work I have... Whether I can do it at home or have to go somewhere...

Sometimes I even need to take my boat to work if it is out on an island. Very unpredictable schedule.

Mine from Boston to Salem can be any where from 20 minutes to an hour one way depending on the time of day and route. There's about 5 different routes I can take, but at 3 rush hour is so bad I have to take 28 North, to the Fellsway North, to Route 1 north, which is a scenic drive by water and a fountain through nice homes in Melrose and a State Park. Just a short cut if anyone gets stuck leaving Boston during rush hour and 93 is a parking lot.

13 mins or 125 miles.. lol
In a jet aeroplane?

Iam in real estate so can range from 50 to 250 mi per day. But there is no traffic in Maine so it`s not too bad. When I use to live upstate N.Y. and commute 70 mi each way to NYC it was bad , not because of the mileage - the traffic. Use to leave my home at 5 am and get to work around 6:30 on a good day. Now going home is another matter 2 to 4 hours . The 60 miles once I got out of the city I usally made in an hour or less. All the other time was fighting the traffic in the city

15 min in the morning, cause I'm running late, 15-20 on the way home. I can take back road/dirt most of the way, no traffic!

I day a week sounds doable!

Nice house? did ya buy it?

15 min in the morning, cause I'm running late, 15-20 on the way home. I can take back road/dirt most of the way, no traffic!
I day a week sounds doable!

Nice house? did ya buy it?
Hoping to put an offer in this week!

about 30 minutes each way (23 miles)

stupid lew traffic. funny that I get to work faster in the morning when there is more traffic

when i'm late, the roads between home and work become my personal race track

8 minutes one way. used to be 30 mins one way until i moved. For me, any commute over 45 minutes is a strain, but since you wont be doing it every day, it might not be bad. are there other job prospects closer to the house for you?
yeah but you didnt factor in the sleep time allowed at the navy yard during the your commute could be an hour..then you get to sleep for 8 hahaha.

yeah but you didnt factor in the sleep time allowed at the navy yard during the your commute could be an hour..then you get to sleep for 8 hahaha.
I get nine hours of sleep at work!

1 day a week would almost be nice. give some time to just cruise. listen to new music, book on tape, podcasts. maybe invest in sirius radio.
