How long is your daily commute?

Guess I am fortunate...very fortunate!

My daily commute is about 50 total...30 or so feet to the coffee maker than another 20 or so to my pre-determined corner of the house that is my office.

This is pretty new, about 3 years or so... gosh I hope it continues progressing as the commute I had prior to this was anywhere for 1-2 hours depending on traffic; of course that WAS when I lived in suburban Boston.

Guess I am fortunate...very fortunate!
My daily commute is about 50 total...30 or so feet to the coffee maker than another 20 or so to my pre-determined corner of the house that is my office.

This is pretty new, about 3 years or so... gosh I hope it continues progressing as the commute I had prior to this was anywhere for 1-2 hours depending on traffic; of course that WAS when I lived in suburban Boston.
Gotta love the self employed gig/My commute is wander across the yard to my shop or out to the gardens.Unless im doing a consult or road trip job:eek:I used to take down post and beam barns in maine and reconstruct them in boston years ago.:rolleyes:4 days down 3 days back.The commute sucked,pay was great:cool:
Today I don't have to go to any client's house's, so my commute is literally, maybe, 6 inches... Roll over in bed, open my laptop, and get to work. lol.

I usually at least get up, check the forums, go for a walk, and then get to work but sometimes, like today, I'm just lazy
