I-wagons frontier

one of our supervisors city trucks has them during the winter, got several years out of a set, said they're quiet, ride good (f350) and he plows in 2wd. Figured they'd be best all around if I had designated wheels and only ran them November to March. My radial long trails supposedly come with 11/32 tread New, already down to 7/32, so possibly buying geolandar a/ts for summer

edit: my phone never says what I want it to

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So, I called Lee about factory steel wheels. I was looking for the 6 spoke xterra 16's. Figured they couldn't cost more than aftermarket aluminum wheels. I was wrong. Very wrong. $360 each for plain Jane spare from under the truck wheels. Think now I'm just going to buy geolander a/ts then mount then in the fall, then use the savings for a gauge pod for oil pressure and tranny temp gauges. Especially since I learned last night that my pressure gauge in the cluster is a glorified dummy light. If there is between ten and like 90 psi it reads right in the middle, that's it. Fun wrenchy time coming soon

Houston, we have a problem.i have a leak.(That's baking soda to neutralize the acid) learned from a friend Nissan batteries blow caps off, and the dealer won't do a Damn thing(especially since I've been a problem child) O'Reilly brand platinum agm battery going in tomorrow am

I hadn't heard until today that optima moved production to Mexico, and quality has been hit or miss since. Until I heard that I was ready to order a red top. Random interwebz search and Amazon reviews confirmed this theory

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New agm installed, cost 190ish without the core. Group 35, so it should fit half of smart Subaru makes too. Pics coming later, side by side (agm is a touch smaller) and how bad the acid was. Just don't have time atm

new one beside factory

baking soda that stayed stuck to the acid. not impressed for a battery built in February and only in service since March (build date on the truck)

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Update on the fluid film: it peeled some of the powdercoat on my fuel filler neck. Just one small spot, and it isn't rusting so I think it's either stainless coated or aluminized. Guy at work that did his gmc has a spot on his frame do the same thing.

New tires and some kind of rally armor coming with tax returns. Maybe weathertech liners too.

Boss lady just let me pull the trigger on a set of front weathertech liners, and said "fine" about rally armor. still totally undecided on tires. really want angry diggers, but they're expensive

Sharp looking Frontier, makes me miss my Toyota. So we can start a journal on non Subie cars, huh? Maybe I'll start one on my GTO some night when I'm bored.

Thanks, I'm picking away at it. I had a journal going for my blazer too at one point when I had plans, before the motor spun a rod bearing. After that I kinda gave up on modifying anything and just used it to pull my trailer, now it just sits. Idk about anyone else but I like gtos, do it up

I've only had a few people know what that was. I'm loving how it looks with the grabbers and rally armor. Changed the look quite a bit


Spark plugs belong in a head, not a tire. Haven't even had them on a week

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Stratham tire in auburn managed to get the frigger out and do some wizardry to patch it. I was actually impressed with how involved they let me get. Was shown the gaping hole, told everything they were considering for repairs, then allowed to hang out (with safety glasses on) while they tech put the wheel back on the truck. He asked how tight to torque the lugs and let me go back over them with my torque wrench. And the bill was only$20. I would have paid that for just the patch, let alone the mount and balance

Double edit: tried calling around earlier to source a replacement if it couldn't be repaired, everyone is on back order. Ordered one through tire rack to put on, and keep the patched one in case another one gets friggy.

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