I'm Bringing Evil Back!


New member

She sat here for a while...



New stuff!


More new stuff.


Same, good old TD04, new/used STi fuel pump...


I think i found the oil leak... There was a split hose with no clamp over that little pipe.


Light weight pullies. AC system completely removed; possible new home for the coolant thingy.


Might not be pretty, but had to be done to fit the IC. So you will never see it anyway.


All cleaned up and ready to start putting the puzzle back together.


that thingy is the crankcase breather. and damn, that's nasty.

looks like a fun project though.

Light weight pullies. AC system completely removed; possible new home for the coolant thingy.

I hate that coolant thing. It gets really brittle after that long and i cracked mine in half when i was putting my A/W Intercooler in. Back in the day i found a JDM replacement part for it...but it was an extra bunch of money i didnt want to spend. I hate that thing. >

Well, its a new used axle. Wagon leftovers.

But it helped considerable to have that out while removing the DP/entire exhaust (cause its all one piece!!!???!!!).

And the only place there are gaskets were leaking! :

As far the coolant thing goes, i guess a WRX one will work if/when that one cracks. I've got a pretty good bracket for it, and hopefully a home for the BPV next to it... long story.

sweeeet! Tomorrow jessie and i are going mad scientest on my t-lego. Its getting sti engine and tranny mounts, lw pully, wrx intercooler and turbo xs bov, divorced downpipe, scottys tranny cocktail,and a vf34! ;D. I also wanna change the valve cover gaskets, oil pan gasket, new plugs, re-locate ghetto wrx coolant tank, re-do entire vaccume system, and weld the exhaust correctly to make it hang right, and fix the rattles in my trunk.We should get these things together when they are done.

Wow, that's quite a list.

I'm redoing vac lines also.

I am in super need of engine mounts. I could move the engine just by tightening the crank pulley! They're on the list.

Through some suspension at that beast and be ready for autox next season, it would be great. Actually GC suspension would work in her, jmailhot has some Eiboc (sp) springs for sale i think. the legs are only about 100-200 lbs heavier then early imprezas. Hammer that trunk and put in a huge sway bar!!!!!

Fun fun!!!

I will have a set of mounts once the motor comes out of the RS that you can have, but you are prolly looking for aftermarket

I will have a set of mounts once the motor comes out of the RS that you can have, but you are prolly looking for aftermarket
Some STi or GroupN or whatever's out there would be cool. But free/cheep RS ones would definitely be better then whats in there now.
