Impreza Control Arm Recall?

just to let you all know, I talked to one of the service guys about this at Quirk, and they are saying about 3-4 hours at their dealership. And they are booked about 60 days out, so make the appointment sooner than later!
Wow, Subaru is only paying the dealers 0.9hours per car if it passed and gets rustproofed. Wonder whats causing Quirk to have it so long. If your car doesn't pass then yes it will be down a few hours for new control arms, but very few are failing the tests. (see above).

Wow, Subaru is only paying the dealers 0.9hours per car if it passed and gets rustproofed. Wonder whats causing Quirk to have it so long. If your car doesn't pass then yes it will be down a few hours for new control arms, but very few are failing the tests. (see above).
I'm not sure, I'm just passing along what they told me.

I wish Auburn wasn't an hour and a half away from me.
But if you recommend it RedForester... perhaps I'll have to make the trip!

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There was a small disclaimer at the bottom of my recall packet which stated...

" No recalls for lBratmanl "

I don't know why, but I think they think they know.

Just received letter the other day for 07 forester. They look good on mine, not a lot of salt exposure yet. Gotta do it sometime soon so they dont start rusting. Unlike my Outback... (rear subframe)

I just got mine done 07 wrx with 85,000 on it and it doesn't stay very clean and mine were fine... rust proofed and out the door I went in 30-45 mins.... might help that I work for Quirk at Mercedes tho....

There was a small disclaimer at the bottom of my recall packet which stated...

" No recalls for lBratmanl "

I don't know why, but I think they think they know.
So could I bring it in without the recall notice and have it covered? Or do I need the notice?

I just got mine done 07 wrx with 85,000 on it and it doesn't stay very clean and mine were fine... rust proofed and out the door I went in 30-45 mins.... might help that I work for Quirk at Mercedes tho....
that's about right. Get the car on the lift, inspect the control arms, punch test with Subaru's calibrated spring puncher thingy, spray.
So could I bring it in without the recall notice and have it covered? Or do I need the notice?
No notice needed.Call your favorite dealer service and have your VIN ready. They can look it up right then unless they have a desk full of customers. Then make an appointment.

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I got my control arms replaced under the recall, and my car is an 05! But on another note, the last snow storm we had didn't work out so good for me. Basically there was this massive pot hole, I didn't see it due to snow on the roads, massive bang and bent control arm, that was less than 2 weeks old!!! Now I don't know if there is any special warranty on brand new control arms from the recall, but I went to Patriot in Saco and they couldn't look at the car till Monday. I couldn't have the car sit till monday so I put in a used one. However, I will take the one that was replaced per the recall to Patriot monday to see if they can do anything. Dose anyone have a similar story to mine?

Any word on delay of parts to perform the replacement if necessary? A friend of mine has had a rental Mazda3 for over a week and they're saying it'll be at least another week or two until the control arms come in. Found there are others on the who have had the same deal. They basically confiscate your car and give you a rental.

I need to make an appointment to go in... debating between the long drive up to Evergreen and know it's done right by Inski or wing it at Patriot for the sake of time... well, I guess I could go to Pape since I could walk there... EEch!

I just had mine looked at at Patriot. They didn't say whether or not they had them in stock... however they did say that if they had to replace them, they'd come in to talk to me right away.... so maybe that means they would have to order them in? You could always call them and speak with a service advisor?

I'll give them a call and setup the appointment. I just don't want to get stuck w/o my Subaru during the best time of the year to have it. Just checked with my friend back in PA... she said the dealer told her it would be 4 to 6 weeks until the parts come in. Boo.

Most of Maine's cars are passing. We have seen a half dozen 02-03s need repairs where I work. Not too shabby for testing several hundred so far.

The dealer's aren't responsible for stocking the repair parts. Subaru grossly under estimated what they would need. Subaru never had enough to start with. The cars we had that did fail were repaired within 7 days. VT seems to be the worst for rotten control arms according to our district guy. If your car does go down because of the recall I'm sure EG can have a loaner ready for you. If you do need a loader request a new Impreza.

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Anyway to convince a dealership to upgrade me to aluminum control arms if mine are crap? Like pay the difference in parts cost?

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