In before the close!

Ive always owned autos, learned a stick on a jetta tdi but kept having problems getting out of first. Kept stalling it. Haha. My leggys an 4eat

I have the hardest time taking off. After that I'm golden but I just have a hard time finding the grab point. I end up stalling it and get super mad at myself.

Mine is a 4eat too, but I actually shift manually through the gears.  I do not like the way the Subaru auto trans shifts for me.  It's weird... never like any other auto I've driven.

I use the manual mode mostly too especially with pasding and in town driving

I have the hardest time taking off. After that I'm golden but I just have a hard time finding the grab point. I end up stalling it and get super mad at myself.
Sucks to stall in the middle of intersection lol

Uphill is no fun.


I remember when I learned on stick... it was a flatbed truck.  The guy tried to get me to start from a stop, using the parking brake and then going... I couldn't do it for the life of me.  Of course, this was on a decent incline.  I got a car behind me and they were pissed because I kept stalling!  lol

I looked intimidating.... Who knew.
Reminds me. My cousin had a all back 02 Rex and two cops passed him just to roadblock him just to ask him about his exhaust. They thought just by looking at him he was running haha. Deff. Could have. It was 2 suv cops.

I didn't get road blocked but it was 2 suvs that pulled me over the first time that night....

Still haven't fixed those lights...... Meh
