In before the close!

Lol that's good to hear. I was at the dunkin drive thru this morning, and some guy pointed out my lightbar to his wife, and he gave me a thumbs up, and she gave me the dirtiest, most disapproving I hit rev limiter as she walked behind my car. Suckkkkk ittttttttt.
Hahahahahahaha that's awesome!!! Guys at dd love my car for some reason.

Just realized I have Thursday-Sunday off. Sweet Jesus. Finally time to Joey Mod my headlights, disconnect my DRL's, replace my AF sensor and maybe even buff my car if i'm feeling ambitious.
If my fender and trunk matched the rest of my car I'd probably join.

Well I drove to work today, in my Subaru only to find out that the boat's engine is now toast, and we have our first cruise this week with a bunch of kids. Perfect timing. Really hope my engine isn't the next thing to go.


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