In before the close!

 Good morning all you subie lovers.

I would love no car payment.  So much I could do with that cash!  Also where the heck are you guys working that you net 60+ hours/week?!  The company I work for whines if we go over 40.

I kinda just show up whenever and leave whenever as long as I get my work done. The captain of the boats I'm working on is looking at a new boat in Florida right now and if he decides to get it, which he likely will, wants me to sail it back to Maine with him, so I think that will get me quite a few hours!

i would love more money at my current job. up for a review in a few weeks, we'll see how that goes. hopefully, i hear back from sears regarding my backround check soon so i can start part time there on top of my current mechanic job, pay off a few bills that need attention and then, hello extra cash flow!

I just scored a "job" last week. Getting paid for the rest of the season to coach paintball.

Coolest thing I've ever accomplished :-P

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