Maine Fishermen?

I did a little fresh water action up at pleasant pond over the holiday weekend and did quite well. 4 large mouth bass, none huge but all good sized, 1 pickerel, 1 perch, and 1 ugly large sunfish looking thing :tard:

The other 2 guys had similar luck, we were all rocking the purple or pumkin rubber lizard :headbang:

i have been to lake arrow head, ossipe lake and the saco river and been doing ok small mouth, large mouth and piccrel. but gill at work just put a camp in at tricky pond and he has in two weeks got over 25 small mouth.

I've seen posts on striper forums about them going up the kennebec, but really only hitting on live bait (mack/herr) so we will see tomorrow.

So I tried to catch the incoming tide today in Wells. We caught a shittload of mackerel, but no damn stripers. The way the mackerel were behaving leads me to think there weren't many stripers in the area. In about an hour we (2 of us) hooked into at least 50, landed 40, and kept 25 for later on in the season.

If anyone in southeast maine is interested in a mackerel dinner tonight, send me an aim (same sn) if you wanna come pick up some. We put another couple dozen in the freezer just now. I'm in ogunquit.

Striper Forums?!?!? !WHERE????????

I live in the Augusta area and have been striking out. Are they even up here yet?

I fish next to the old AMHI insane asylum and down by the O'Connor's bridge area with everything from Storm Shad type baits, slug-os, plastic eels, zara spook topwaters, etc. etc. etc. I want to end my life!! I cant stand tiny smallmouth bass anymore!!!!! LOL

you've got to go further south man....


boated a gorgeous 17" schoolie on St George River. He whacked a popper on an eddyline, full rush of rising tide at The Narrows...basically a tidal rapids, classic striper habitat. They are the MOST coolest fish, they live and work and eat where other fish are getting pushed around by current or surf bashing over rocks & whatever. Aaaaah. Life Is Good.

now just want to boat a keeper. :occasion14:

like to have a beeg Maine Coast Dinner: steamers as appetizer. Baked stuffed striper (baked with skin on, poultry stuffing) baked taters and fiddleheads.

STILL watiing for my own Maine Coast Dinner this year.

nigel you have a boat? lucky guy!! What exactly are fiddleheads?

I really have no excuses why we haven't been slamming stripers around here... water temp is up, bait is EVERYWHERE and stripers just seem to be busy elsewhere south. I think next week we might try a little flounder fishing. At least we have plenty of bait for later on in the season when artificials aren't as lucrative, if the stripers even get here. :icon_scratch:

nigel you have a boat? lucky guy!! What exactly are fiddleheads?
well, I work in the boat business, so I BETTER have one! MY 2000 20-foot Lund Alaskan, built to fish, Honda 50 power. Moosehead, local lakes, offshore to Monhegan, mouth of the K'bec in hairy ass currents, it just goes and goes.

Fiddleheads are a strange Maine delicacy, it's the fresh shoots of one particular type of fern, available only for a short time in a few select places. fiddlehead fans guard the knowlege of ther harvesting spots very closely.

My favorit way to prepare fiddleheads:

Heat a cast iron skillet, put 1/4-1/2 stick of real butter and a couple cloves of sliced garlic in, stir-fry your greens al-dente. MMMMMMMMMMM, MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This works good for green beans and snow peas, too.

so what do fiddleheads taste like? I've never heard of them at all...

nigel what do you do for a living? I thought you did the rallying stuff as a career. I actually thought you were somewhat affiliated with prodrive, I was about to send you a pm about some things haha.

so what do fiddleheads taste like? I've never heard of them at all...

nigel what do you do for a living? I thought you did the rallying stuff as a career. I actually thought you were somewhat affiliated with prodrive, I was about to send you a pm about some things haha.
fiddleheads have a subtle earthy flavor like no other greens. gastronomic nirvana. well, they ARE darn good to eat. They can have lots of diff flavors depending on how they're cookeded. I like em lightly blanched then add a bit of butta and balsamic vinegar.

yes, rally has been a (sort of) career for me, almost 10 years now....just not very lucrative. In fact it's exactly the opposite-- I work my ass off helping ppl sell beautiful Maine-built yachts so I can afford to keep rallying. Am one of the publishers at Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine, also the producer of annual MBH&H boat show, and manage 400' of dockage in Rockland harbor...and on the weekends when I'm not at boat shows or off at rallies or up at our team shop in Bangor (re)building rally cars, I teach dirt hooligans at Team O'Neil Rally School in NH. :whip2: OK, time to take a nap now!

i like to pan fry my fiddleheads also but butter salt and pepper only had some up to camp last month and dam they were good :thumbsup:


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