Mainely Subarus 2010

i haven't been home since it started. but i'll just use noscript to block it. even though my computer is a beast, this stuff still drives me nuts.

since i have debian linux hacked onto the pda i guess i could block it from /etc/hosts.deny. or something like that

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the snow is also driving me effing nuts. the 400mhz cpu on my pda doesn't like it at all.
everything has yellow borders around it now. and the quick-reply box is essed could be microB, a version of mozilla i run on my pda. i'll have to see when i get home to my computer.

i'm often on the forum from my pda though. i carry it everywhere with me.
So..... Do you use PDA?

i'm using it now. it is a very hacked nokia n810. great device.

i don't always feel like hauling my laptop around when i can fit a computer in my pocket.

Is it still doing it??

I think I may have had an error in the coding of the Happy Holidays notice. Strangely with this new forum update, they still didn't make it easier for the admins to do things. It still all has to be done in code. And I might have forgot to close something with: </blah>. When I mess up in the notice, it somehow applies it to the forum. You should have seen it yesterday when I was messing with it. Haha. I suck at coding.

Looks good now!! Everything is back to the way it was. Only new posts are bold, and the others aren't!!

So now I'm home on a fast computer again. Although the snow is festive, and doesn't slow down my computer, it drives me nuts ... So I told my browser that snowstorm.js is a malicious ad. Heehee

Yeah, I'm gonna have to do something on my end to knock out the .js file. I leave my browser open 24/7 with a million tabs and restart it before I go to bed. Having the MS pages open and snowing tanks my resources.

Just flagged snowstorm.js as a blocked item in firefox's adblock plus. Easy as hell, but credit goes to 987654321 for the idea and tipping me off to the obvious file name.

blocked it too

Thanks for the filename. I supposed I could have searched for "snow," but I didn't think of it until now

^ that's what I did ... I opened up the page source, searched for snow. Found the path to the script, and told adblock to block it.

Can somebody screenshot some MS pages? I think mines messed up but I can't tell. Actually, I suppose I can do it...



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