Mainelypostwhore thread

Morning whores. I almost fell on my face this morning like an old lady since everything is covered with a nice ice glaze. I'm moving somewhere warm someday.

It was wonderful trying to move around this campus last night, they just started to salt and sand about a half hour ago.

I have a nice steep icy driveway. But I have those studded things for my shoes, and studded things for my car. So I'm all good

I stayed home today, too much wetness to waddle around in snow banks on the side of the roads!!

I had to take my little sister to school. I was hoping so hard for a snow day. I haven't wanted a snow day so bad since my senior year of high school the day before a big exam...

-5 tonight. . . so bored. im stuck babysitting an embraer. goofy thing cant be trusted to sit and behave. damn disposable jungle jets.
