Mainelypostwhore thread

I just PM'd him for a estimate on a fmic and exhaust. Whats a matter with your brakes?
Metal on metal scraping noise under medium braking while cold. I'll probably have my rotors resurfaced and get new pads, but it may just be dust in my drums. Unfortunately, I can't get my rear wheels off to check since the lugnuts are essentially rusted to the lugs.

Not even sure if the noise is an issue though.

I have almost brand new pads and rotors that fit your car if you are interested. They might have 3k on them. I just put bigger ones on mine. Feel free to pm
Bratman, just front stuff I assume? I have no idea on the lifespan and such on drums.

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Yes just the front. Usually drums last for a really long time. I had almost 200k on my last Impreza and they were still in great shape!!

Drums last for quite a while. You sure your ebarke isn't on?

Because drum brakes don't really do much... heh heh.

The rear disc brakes have issues though... apparently...

Just flush the rust out though and it's all better

Because drum brakes don't really do much... heh heh.The rear disc brakes have issues though... apparently...

Just flush the rust out though and it's all better
Out of the lines or out of the drums?

I had an Abby Sunderland moment today... My GF and I were sailing my crappy 40yo boat and the mast broke. That was fun... But I got it back safe

^ we didn't leave early, but we got done early. got in my car and it said 92, get home and it's 98. i spent the better part of the afternoon floating around the pool with beer. damn heat.....
