Mainelypostwhore thread

Well I would love to, but my grandfather is helping me, so I have to take advantage of him while he is here.

Alright. If you do got some free time just send me a text. I'm not really doing much tomorrow besides tinkering with my car and a frisbee game.

Yeah maybe in the afternoon. I'll definitely text you and let you know if I have some time!!!! Any luck on a charger for the RC car yet?!?!?!

So, what do you do when the top half of your new shower won't fit in the house?????

Tomorrow you cut a big hole on the side of the house and make it fit in.

I hate this crap.....

Oh god
that sounds like it really sucks. Do you need a hand? I have a few hours tomorrow I could stop by and give you a hand.

You are more than welcome to stop by, I dunno whats goin on exactly. My step dad is helping me tomorrow, so that's good, cause it's what he does for a living. But I should be here all day!!!

It's finally in!!! We took the whole side off the house, then took out some studs, slid the shower in, and hooked everything up!!! Still got a lot of finish work to do, but the hardest part is over!

Wow what a stupid Facebook page. I know that there are a lot of older Subaru drivers, but I know there a lot of us too!!

I think the filming of Fast & The Furious 7 is being held at my neighbors house. These ricers love to rev the piss out of their Mitsubishi Eclipse sprayed rattle can black and primer grey with stock wheels up front, and black shiny wheels out back. Complete with HUGE fart can exhaust and flat brim hats. He is so damn proud of this thing too. He will rev the car up and down the street, and you can hear this thing coming from miles away. BzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Here's a picture of a bad picture of this beaut.


Also this gem was in his driveway today:

Again, revving and revving and revving. It's not like it sounds even remotely good too! I'll try to get a video clip one of these days.

Oh and did anyone else see the Ford Probe/Escort with Pep Boy Rims rattled matte blue and black on our group drive down to Brunswick? Guess who showed up at my neighbors house as well.


You know how vdubs are a big thang in L/A? Well, I actually don't know what to say about this one.


Hahaha. That VW turbo bug tried racing me one day... That was over before I broke the speed limit. He got scared.

And WTF is with that orange hatchback? Holy ugly.

Why is life so stressful, and why can't we all be blessed with high paying jobs............................

Wow what a stupid Facebook page. I know that there are a lot of older Subaru drivers, but I know there a lot of us too!!
I think it is hilarious.


they said the same about the beetle two of my lifetimes ago. My dad had one in 68 that blew minds. A GTO owner got so mad it chased him through boston suburbs (he lost a friendly race to the gasser beetle)

in fact those cars at 10secs still sound a lot more casual than a double fired 22psi ricer called subaru today.

now the longest running engine in amercia officially is a 3 main boxer by lycoming.Chevy smallblock is second. And there is a diesel by cummings in the quest for a straight

answer.(found that amazing.. it is right in front of us about the boxer...) Just becuase an avergae height of four feet tall for a culture made a boxer for the world .. it does not mean they are all slow.

it really makes people stupid. the owners, and the complainers. I still hide from facebook. Who the heck knows what is out there?

Mother ****ing fuel rails! Those things suck, got one done, one to go. This one should be easier since there is no ****ing ac line in the way!

But, I enjoyed it. Makes me feel better about my self since some people can't even change their battery!



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