Founding Father
But, I enjoyed it. Makes me feel better about my self since some people can't even change their battery!
But, I enjoyed it. Makes me feel better about my self since some people can't even change their battery!
Harrumph.But, I enjoyed it. Makes me feel better about my self since some people can't even change their battery!
I thought it was the greatest thread ever. Waaaaaa? I'll have to go find a Drive magazine so I can check that out!^epic! and did you know you're almost famous? i was flipping through the rally issue of drive magazine, page 3 letter from an owner with a pic that looked like a blue obs ripping up prairie, look at the bottom and sure enough, letter from garret clarke, durrty lew maine
You and everyone else on here.OHI. It was more of a general reference to the majority of the populace that can't even change their oil, but I like ****ing with you.
Then stop using ****ty GUI package managers and use apt-get on the command line. Aptitude and synaptic shouldn't be mixed anyway because you shouldn't mix package management systems. You should just stick with one. Linux use fail ...You and everyone else on here.
Only having internet access @ Starbucks = teh sucks. Aptitude and synaptic take forEVER.
Holy hell that is depressing....I REALLY want this ...someone buy my jeep!